Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Megalinks

Caustic Musings: Financial and Physical Peace
With Dave Ramsey as her guide, Maggie draws some parallels between money and fat.

Chief Family Officer: Bento Lunches Resources and Practice
Bento boxes: they beat the heck out of balogna. Fun ideas for a creative lunch, along with some nifty links.

The Digerati Life: Simple Tips for Grocery Shopping That Will Pad Your Pocket Guaranteed
There are a ton of “How to Shop” compilations in the blogosphere, and they can be pretty repetitive after awhile. This one digs deeper and comes out with some nice strategies.

ESPN: Mitchell Report - Baseball slow to react to players' steroid use
IN: diet and exercise.
OUT: anabolic steroids and lying.
(Side note to Met fans: Todd Pratt? Damn.)

FIRE Finance: 104th Festival of Frugality
This year's final FoF comes to us courtesy of FIRE Finance, a solid personal economics blog with one sexxay banner. CHG is an editor's pick! Whee!

The Kitchn: Food Hack #1 – Use Your Crockpot AND One Head Garlic
Slow cooker suggestion thread + awesome mutant garlic = good reading. (Unless you're a vampire who hates chili.)

Like Merchant Ships: December 2007
If you’re giving gifts, decorating, feeding a family, planning to have people over, or breathing, Meredith’s last month or so of blogging is a must-see. Everything she does is gorgeous.

Men’s Health: Mood Foods - The scoop on six snacks that will help kick your mind into gear
Brain food! Hey, a cerebellum's gotta eat. (Thanks to Lifehacker for the link.)

Reuters: Meat raises lung cancer risk, too, study finds
And a bunch of other cancers. Interesting, important reading for those concerned about cancer's link to diet.

Serious Eats: Paula Deen is Trying to Kill Us, Part 3
I sheepishly admit to loving me some Paula (the one from two years ago that hadn’t gone all HI Y’ALL yet), but holy cow. This is a ticket to cardiac arrest.

Wise Bread: Peanut Butter, the Poor Man’s Protein
Ah, behold - the power of the peanut. Ground and whipped into a fine paste, it is truly the most glorious of shelled treats.

Zen Habits: Inexpensive Gifts to Improve Your Life
Lots of food suggestions here. My favorite: onion goggles. If you weep easily and are a big fan of the bulbs, this just might be a must.

(Photos courtesy of Flickr contributors matachi and dinerjunkie.)


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