I worked for many years in psychiatry and always integrated this care in my work in intensive care units as well as in community health.
Yes, I have prescribed some of these drugs, but because more and more disenchanted as I learned more and more of what the manufacturers really knew about thier so called 'block busters'.
I also know that these drugs were plied on my mother following a closed head injury she suffered. I know that the chemical soup she was prescribed caused serious side effects, even causing her to try to jump out of a window. Additionally I know that the 5 Star corporate care center where my brother (an insurance salesman with NO medical understanding, living on the high road in S. Hero VT) has her (ware)housed with carte blanche to the "doctors". Even the pharmacy supplying the drugs did NO interaction evaluation as I did and had a PhD reasearch pharmacologist friend do. And gee whiz! no speech therapy or neuro care for a woman with expressive aphasia...
Of course I am in favor of natural health, and certainly in psychiatry there are many ways to help people with nutrition, orthomolecular medicine and less damaging treatments.
I recall being chastised as a new grad when I went to work in Philadelphia's premier psych hospital for refusing to participate in ECT for patients. Well it happened that I worte a college sociology paper that develed into the risks and hazards of ECT for which I received the only A in the calss that semester. Biased, yes!
Well I stumbled on a blog here abouts written by a questioning psychiatrist. He pushes drugs but maybe I can get him to be more open over time with a little nudging.
Be that as it may, I like some of what he has to say on his BLOG, so here it is.
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