keep your eyes open!
Low Toxicity - Balsam/pine/cedar/fir; poinsettia leaves/stems; angel hair (spun glass); Christmas tree preservatives; snow sprays/snow flock.
Moderate Toxicity - Moderate to high toxicity holly berries and leaves.
Highly Toxicity - Mistletoe (especially berries); epoxy adhesives; and antifreeze. Please note that some items have special problems. For example, angel hair is usually considered to be of low toxicity but it can irritate eyes, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract in small and large pets alike. Snow flock can cause problems if sprayed into the mouth or inhaled. Antifreeze deserves special mention because even a very small amount can be rapidly fatal to pets
Christmas tree ornaments and small toys can also cause obstructions in the gastrointestinal tract if swallowed and chocolate of any type, should never be given to a pet at any time.
According to the American Veterinary Association thousands of household pets are injured each year around the holidays from Plants and Decorations. See your local veterinarian if your cat or dog comes in contact or digest any of the items listed. We hope this year with extra care and a watchful eye, you and your pets will have a safe and happy holiday season.
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