Lying to cover up lying is the current standard for government based bureaucrats who cannot seem to think for themselves. This is just one example.
"This was the most obscene miscarriage of justice I have witnessed and the jury agreed with us", says Kevin Mirch in response to the acquittal of his client Dr. James Forsythe The November 1 jury acquittal of Forsythe came after a six day federal trial that saw Federal Court Judge Howard McKibben throw out one and a half of the two counts, Forsythe's defense team choosing not to offer a defense, and a jury deliberation that lasted less than two hours.
In a case that played out more like a movie than a federal investigation, Dr. Forsythe, a respected Reno medical oncologist and homeopath, became a victim of a remarkable string of vicious and illegal actions on the part of the Federal Drug Administration, Immigration Customs Enforcement, and the U.S. Attorney's office. This was all carried out under the watch of the recently terminated former U.S. Attorney District of Nevada, Daniel Bogden. It also ensnared the wife of the governor of Nevada, a former Nevada Homeland Security chief and his high powered attorney wife, a disgraced Federal agent and a former disgruntled employee.
Dr. Forsythe's case started thirty-three months ago when federal agents came into his home, shoved the 67 year old physician to the floor with a gun to his head. A gun was also held on his wife, Earlene Forsythe, an influential political figure and then head of the Nevada Republican Party. The agents were looking for "Biotropin", a legally approved human growth hormone that Forsythe was using on a handful of older patients that were hormone deficient.
"It is appalling that the Government was ignorant of the fact that this drug was approved, says Mirch, and it became a travesty when they refused to back down." During the investigation the U.S. Attorney's office refused to release all the exculpatory evidence when ordered by the Federal District Court Judge. There was also evidence tampering in an attempt to further vilify Dr. Forsythe.
"Over three hundred of my patient's charts were taken by the Feds without the patient's approval. This deprived me of the opportunity to manage their cases properly", says Dr. Forsythe. "This was in violation of all HIPPA laws, and may have indirectly lead to the deaths of eleven of my cancer patients."
"Dishonest people are very skilled and ingenious at disguising their perversion of the truth" Author unknown
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