Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Here's What's Up

The people's hero, David Graham, MD, a drug safety officer at the F.D.A., called for Avandia’s withdrawal. Dr. Graham estimated that its toxic effects on the heart had caused as many as 205,000 heart attacks, strokes and death from 1999 to 2006. For every month that Avandia is sold, he said, another 1,600 to 2,200 patients are likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes, some of them fatal.

Meanwhile, back at 'the ranch'- depending on whether you define this as the Oval Office which benefits from millions in Pharma Cartel money, the new 'faster track' fast-track drug approval for money scheme, thousands paid in lobbying efforts to senators and representatives to pass the recent drug bill originally brought to you by Teddy Kennedy, or the failure to pass a Medicare drug bill allowing price negotiation (a Bush giveaway) - the people have been had. Especially any one with diabetes.

We reported over four years ago to all the people with diabetes on our news service alert plan the cardiac risks of Avandia. Readers of our most recent newsletter learned more.

This is not unlike how more than fifteen years ago we began warning women NOT to submit to mammography because it DOES cause cancer. Today you read this same news again because someone did a new study. yet when do you see that there has been a change to thermography or ultrasound for diagnosis in all these years. You don't. And you don't because of the $$$.

We agree with Dr. Graham. In the mean time, so should you.

We also agree that everyone should force this issue with their elected officials, especially if they are ones who voted for this FDA bill (see a recent post about being screwed by Congress). And we strongly agree that there should be NO drug on the market with any serious health risk as a side effect. For the FDA, to do less is unconscionable.

Read here about drugs: http://Rxlist.com (skip the patient information, because that's just fluff).

And if you want to know healthful and safe approaches to prevent and care for diabetes, let us know. The VA has proven it is reversible, so the facts are in.

There is help for Type I too.

Advisers: Avandia should stay on market

By ANDREW BRIDGES, Associated Press Writer Mon Jul 30, 6:41 PM ET

The widely used diabetes drug Avandia should remain on the market, government health advisers overwhelmingly recommended Monday, saying evidence of an increased risk of heart attack doesn't merit removal.

The nonbinding recommendation to the Food and Drug Administration came on a 22-1 vote by the panel.

"We're being asked today to take a very draconian action based on studies that have very significant weaknesses and are inadequate for us to make that kind of decision," said Rebecca Killion, a diabetic from Bowie, Md., and the panel's patient representative.

However, in an earlier 20-3 vote, the panelists said that available data show the drug does increase heart risks.

Panelists said the drug's label should include a so-called "black-box" warning, the most severe the FDA can require, to flag that risk. Some suggested the label caution against using the drug together with insulin because doing so may elevate heart risks. That joint use is currently FDA-approved. The experts also asked that the drug be studied further.

The FDA isn't required to follow the advice of its advisory committees but usually does.

The manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, earlier recommended continuing long-term studies of the drug and updating the label to inform doctors and patients of what's known so far about any heart risks. FDA scientist Dr. David Graham said waiting for more results could subject as many as 2,200 people a month to serious side effects from the drug.

Graham also told the joint panel of experts that the drug's heart risks, combined with its lack of unique short-term benefits in helping diabetics control blood sugar, meant continued sales were not justified.

But Glaxo contended there is no increased risk, citing its own analyses of studies of Avandia, also called rosiglitazone.

"The number of myocardial infarctions is small, the data are inconsistent and there is no overall evidence rosiglitazone is different from any other oral antidiabetes agents," said Dr. Ronald Krall, the company's senior vice president and chief medical officer.

Previously, the FDA had said information from dozens of studies pointed to an increased risk of heart attack.

That conclusion swayed the panel but apparently did not rise to the level of requiring any regulatory action more dire than beefed-up warnings and continued scrutiny.

"It's suggestive but by no means conclusive," said Dr. Thomas Pickering, an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.

The lone dissenting panel member on the main vote, Arthur Levin, said there was a strong suggestion of a safety signal. That, along with widely shared doubts that further study would settle the issue and the enormity of the potential risk to the public health, moved him to vote "no."

"I logically can't find any way to leave this drug on the market," said Levin, director of the Center for Medical Consumers in New York.

About 1 million Americans with Type 2 diabetes use Avandia to control blood sugar by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. That sort of treatment has long been presumed to lessen the heart risks already associated with the disease, which is linked to obesity. News that Avandia might actually increase those risks would represent a "serious limitation" of the drug's benefit, according to the FDA.

Graham's boss, Dr. Gerald Dal Pan, also said the balance between the risks and benefits of Avandia didn't favor the drug. But the FDA isn't of one mind on the drug: the issue exposed a rift between agency officials charged with approving new medicines and those who monitor their safety once on the market.

"It is important that the committee understand there is a fundamental disagreement within (the FDA's drugs office) on the scientific conclusions that should be drawn," said Dr. Robert Meyer, head of the FDA office that reviews new diabetes drugs.

The FDA moved up the date of Monday's meeting after the May publication of a study in The New England Journal of Medicine that generated new concerns about Avandia's safety. The analysis of 42 studies revealed a 43 percent higher risk of heart attack for those taking Avandia compared with people taking other diabetes drugs or no diabetes medication.

Separately, the FDA is working to add so-called "black box" warnings to the labels of both Avandia and a second oral diabetes drug, Actos, to caution patients about the increased risk of heart failure associated with the drugs. That risk is separate from those discussed Monday.

The diabetes epidemic affects more than 18 million Americans. Most have Type 2, where the body makes too little insulin or cannot use what it does produce.

Each day, there are 4,100 new cases of diabetes in the United States, and 810 deaths, said Dr. Robert Ratner, vice president of medical affairs at the MedStar Research Institute. Of those deaths, 60 percent are due to heart disease, Ratner told the panel.

Congress has pointed to Avandia as evidence of FDA's fumbling of safety problems that emerge long after drugs win agency approval. The House and Senate are at work on legislation to overhaul the FDA.

On the Net:
Avandia: http://www.avandia.com/
Food and Drug Administration: http://www.fda.gov/

July 30, 2007
F.D.A. Panel Votes to Keep Diabetes Drug on Market

GAITHERSBURG, Md., July 30 — A federal drug advisory committee voted 20 to 3 late this afternoon that Avandia, a controversial diabetes drug made by GlaxoSmithKline, raises the risks of heart attacks, but it then voted 22 to 1 that the drug should nonetheless remain on the market.

The divided vote came after committee members said that studies concerning Avandia were too murky to merit drastic regulatory action and that other diabetes medicines might have similar risks.

“My feeling here is that we’re being asked to take a very draconian action based on studies that are very inadequate for us to make that kind of decision,” said Rebecca Killion, a patient representative and committee member from Bowie, Md.

Dr. Clifford J. Rosen, chairman of the committee who is from St. Joseph Hospital in Bangor, Me., said after the meeting that “there was enough concern on the advisory committee that virtually everybody felt there was risk” of heart attacks from taking Avandia.

Patients who have congestive heart failure or a history of cardiovascular disease, or those taking insulin or nitrates should not be given Avandia, Dr. Rosen said.

“There are going to be changes in the way this is promoted and certainly in how physicians use this drug,” Dr. Rosen predicted.

GlaxoSmithKline told the committee that it did not believe that Avandia increases the risks of heart attacks “and we still don’t,” said Christopher A. Viehbacher, president of the company’s American drug business, after the meeting ended.

He said that if the F.D.A. ordered a strong warning placed on Avandia’s label, some patients would take other medicines that might be more dangerous. “I don’t think it’s a slam dunk yet as to what the F.D.A. is going to do with this,” he said.

The votes came after an extraordinary meeting in which officials from the Food and Drug Administration, which brought the committee together, openly disagreed with one another about the right course to take.

Dr. David Graham, a drug safety officer at the F.D.A., called for the drug’s withdrawal and estimated that its toxic effects on the heart had caused as many as 205,000 heart attacks, strokes and death from 1999 to 2006. For every month that Avandia is sold, he said, another 1,600 to 2,200 patients are likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes, some of them fatal.

Dr. Robert Meyer, director of the office within the F.D.A. that approved Avandia’s initial application, immediately disagreed with Dr. Graham.

“I think it’s important that the committee understand there’s a fundamental disagreement” within the agency, he said. Other diabetes drugs also have risks, Dr. Meyer said, and doctors and patients need a variety of treatment options.

Dr. Douglas C. Throckmorton, a deputy director of the F.D.A.’s center for drugs, explained at a news conference after the meeting that the split within the agency resulted from the “complexity” of the issue.

The F.D.A. usually follows the advice of its advisory committees, especially when the votes are so lopsided. Agency officials said they did not know when they would come to a decision and refused to characterize the form that any new Avandia warning might take.

The open disagreement within the F.D.A. reflects a fierce debate that has occurred among diabetes experts across the country since The New England Journal of Medicine published a study in May suggesting that Avandia increases the risks of heart attacks.

In the revelations since then, F.D.A. officials have said that GlaxoSmithKline told the agency about these risks nearly two years ago, but that because of fierce internal disagreements, the agency never warned patients about them. In Europe, regulators required that the drug’s label reflect some concerns about these risks.

The agency’s lack of action helped persuade some lawmakers to support legislation that has since passed both the House and Senate that provides the agency with more money and power to police drug safety issues. That legislation is expected to be sent to President Bush within days.

About a million patients in the United States took Avandia last year, and a nearly identical number took Actos, a similar pill made by Takeda that may be safer. Avandia’s global sales last year totaled $3.4 billion, but its sales have plunged since May.

The Avandia controversy largely revolves around whether several highly complex statistical analyses of dozens of studies show that Avandia increases the risks of heart attacks. Separate from this argument, there is considerable evidence that both Avandia and Actos worsen the condition of heart failure.

Dr. Murray Stewart, a GlaxoSmithKline vice president, said that in recent months the company has examined data from several large managed care companies in the United States that included 1.35 million patients with diabetes. The company’s analyses, he said, showed that patients who took Avandia suffered no greater risk of heart attack or death from heart problems.

The committee disagreed, with most members saying that while GlaxoSmithKline should continue to market Avandia, the F.D.A. should place strict warnings on its label.

“I also think there needs to be a stiffening of the warnings,” said Dr. Peter J. Savage, a committee member from the National Institutes of Health, echoing the comments of others.

Dr. Steven Nissen, a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist who authored the study in The New England Journal of Medicine in May, said in an interview after the hearing that he would have voted to remove Avandia from the market. But he said he was encouraged that the committee “affirmed the finding that there was an increased cardiovascular risk from the drug.”

He predicted that Avandia’s sales would plunge with the new warning.

The disagreements within the F.D.A. affected almost every aspect of the hearing. In their presentations, Dr. Graham and his boss, Dr. Gerald Dal Pan, both referred to studies that suggested that Actos is safer to the heart than Avandia. But the Actos studies have not been thoroughly reviewed by the F.D.A., and the underlying data from them were not given to committee members.

When asked why, Dr. Graham said that “we were promised that that would be done for this meeting.” Officials eventually explained that the agency did not enough resources to get the analysis done for the meeting, he said.

“So then I’m faced with a dilemma,” Dr. Graham said. “Do I keep silent about that and not breathe a word of it, or do I present it?”

Dr. John R. Teerlink, a committee member from the University of California in San Francisco, said that the agency should “either have the political will to either schedule the meeting when we had the data or not to present data that we couldn’t look at.”

The public debate about Avandia has brought about a remarkable number of independent examinations of the drug’s safety, and several researchers shared their findings with the committee during the hearing’s open public comment period.

Executives with both Tricare, a managed care company that serves active and retired military personnel, and WellPoint, a huge health insurer, said they had found no evidence in their records that patients given Avandia had suffered more heart attacks.

Dr. Sidney Wolfe of the drug safety advocacy group Public Citizen, said F.D.A. records show that Avandia has a lot more problems associated with it than just heart risks.

“If Avandia were up for approval today, based on what we know now, it would be rejected,” he said.

Multiple speakers reminded the committee that few diseases have a greater public health impact than diabetes. Each day in the United States, there are 4,100 new diabetes cases and 810 deaths from the disease, said Dr. Robert E. Ratner of the MedStar Research Institute in Washington. Also every day, about 230 diabetes patients suffer amputations, 120 suffer kidney failure and 55 go blind.

He said that while controlling blood sugar levels has proven health benefits in the short term, no study has proven that diabetes drugs extend lives.

“We’re not keeping people alive with our drug therapy because our drug therapy isn’t adequate,” he said. And he said that no diabetes medicine has conclusively proven that it helps protect the heart. He also noted that diabetes patients often fail to take their medicines properly, and that doctors often fail to treat the disease aggressively enough.

“Why do we need new therapies for type-two diabetes?” Dr. Ratner asked. “We have an epidemic of diabetes and its complication that will soon swamp our medical delivery system.”

Most diabetics die from heart disease, since the disease has severe effects on the heart. If Avandia actually increases the risks of heart attacks, that “denotes a serious limitation” of the drug’s usefulness, an F.D.A. reviewer concluded in a report before the meeting.

Tuesday Link-o-rama

Get Rich Slowly: 16 Ways to Eat Healthy While Keeping it Cheap
I’m not sure how much I agree with tips 4 and 12, but guest writer Mehdi makes a bunch of good points. He does it concisely, too. Aces.

The Wednesday Chef: Housecleaning, or Three Recipes
Luisa cleans out her pantry, and nutritious deliciousness ensues.

Smart Money: Buy Organic Foods without Breaking the Bank
Must … print and attach … to refrigerator … Oh no … too many … recycling guides … and Christmas pictures … I've ... become … my mother …

Orangette: All So Pretty
THE CHEAP: Instead of blowing a wad on a foofy five-tier monstrosity, Orangette made her own wedding cakes.
THE HEALTHY: Pickled carrots!
THE GOOD: The pictures, the writing, and the sentiment are lovely as all get out.

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Pot Full of Sauciness

There are approximately 6,600,000,000 people currently occupying Earth.

Of those, 6,599,999,999 have their own recipe for tomato sauce.

(The lone un-saucer is my sister, who prefers Prego from a jar and wouldn’t eat an onion if it was holding a Howitzer [a gunion?] to her head, begging to be devoured.)

Tomato sauce is a wonderful, aromatic fact of life – a healthy, delectable way of dressing up pasta while incorporating valuable vitamins and minerals into a diet. Though there are infinite adaptations using wine, seasonal vegetables, pork fat, olives, and much, much more, many sauces seem to be variations on the following:

1. Tomatoes, onions, olive oil, garlic, herbs.

2. Tomatoes, onions, olive oil, garlic, herbs, soffrito.

My understanding is soffrito (or mirepoix, or the 2:1:1 onions to carrots to celery ratio basic to lots of Italian and French cooking) gives tomato sauce depth, a touch of sweetness, and possibly magical powers. I love Lidia Bastianich’s version, since it’s rich, chunky, and full of pretty colors. (Unfortunately, she also uses ¼ cup of olive oil, which drives the fat content up considerably. In the near future, I’m going to try making it with half the oil, and will report back on what happens.)

Sometimes lower in fat and calories, tomato sauces without the soffrito can be equally as luscious, though they may have added sugar or herbs for flavor. This versatile rendering, a chunky, basil-y adaptation from Cooking Light, is one of those, and maintains its scrumptiousness without too many bells and whistles. Use it on penne, eggplant parm, bread, cheesecake, peanut butter and jelly – whatever suits your fancy.

P.S. It ranks a proven 6,340,662,940 out of 6,599,999,999 on a global scale. I checked.

Light Tomato Sauce
7 servings – ½ cup per serving
Adapted from Cooking Light.

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup finely chopped onion
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 28-oz. cans whole peeled Italian tomatoes, undrained
2/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basil
3/4 tsp salt, divided
1/8 tsp black pepper, divided

1) In a medium pot or small Dutch oven, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until almost tender. Add garlic and cook an additional 2 minutes, until garlic is fragrant and onion is tender.

2) Crush the canned tomatoes over the pot by hand, making sure you remove any chunks of stem. Pour in juice leftover in can. Bring everything to a boil.

3) Drop heat to low and simmer for about 80 or 90 minutes, until sauce is thick and/or the consistency you like.

4) Kill the heat and stir in the basil, salt, and pepper. Eat immediately with pasta, or refrigerate overnight to let flavors meld. You can freeze the leftovers, too.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
78 calories, 2 g fat, $0.50

1 Tbsp olive oil: 120 calories, 14 g fat, $0.08
1 cup finely chopped onion: 56 calories, 0 g fat, $0.18
4 garlic cloves, minced: 20 calories, 0 g fat, $0.20
2 28-oz. cans whole peeled Italian tomatoes, undrained: 350 calories, 0 g fat $2.00
2/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basil: negligible calories and fat, $0.99
3/4 tsp salt, divided: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
1/8 tsp black pepper, divided: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
TOTAL: 546 calories, 14 g fat, $3.48
PER SERVING (TOTAL/7): 78 calories, 2 g fat, $0.50
P.P.S. Apologies for no post on Thursday and Friday last week. There was camping to be done in Ohio.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Circular Game: Decoding Your Supermarket Weekly

Tuesday evening’s rolled around, and it’s time for some spur-of-the-moment food shopping. You saunter through the sticky sliding glass doors of your local grocery store, pondering what to purchase with the $15.09 you’ve budgeted until Friday. Then you spot it, lying prostrate and unused in a misshapen stack by the shopping carts: the Supermarket Circular.

Cackling like a maniac, you scuttle over to snatch the half-soaked, seven-page spreadsheet. You’re hunched over, madly scanning the deli section when it hits you: you have no blessed clue how to read this thing. Sure, there are pretty pictures, and yes, the numbers look tantalizingly low, but do you have to buy seven freakin’ jars of jelly to get the 7-for-$7 discount?

The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind.

Just kidding. The answer is actually “no.” More often than not, that jelly is priced individually. Since this isn’t intuitive knowledge, like breathing or refusing a pit bull from a man with missing fingers, here are a few decoding tips for the Supermarket Circular, the mightiest of cash-saving weapons.


If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Lots of circulars advertise sales like “Tuna: 5 cans, 3 bucks” or “10 boxes of Ronzoni pasta for $10.” The majority of the time, each item is individually priced, meaning you don’t have to dogpile ten cartons of penne to get the deal. Buy three and it’ll be $3. Buy six and it’ll be $6. Buy one, it’ll be $1, and you won’t have 144 extra ounces of pasta hanging around your cupboards.

Read the small print. Oftentimes, stores will list purchasing requirements in Lilliputian typeface at the bottom of an ad. You don’t see it until it’s too late, and then you’re stuck paying regular price at the register. Criminals here include caveats like: “With minimum purchase of $25,” “With club card only,” and “Limit one per customer.”

Look out for loss leaders. Normally depicted in giant photos on the front or back covers, loss leaders are priced at rock bottom to lure in shoppers. Frequently they’re perishables, daily menu foods, or other stuff you buy with some regularity - meat, fruit, vegetables, etc. Hands down the best values in the market, according to Womans Day, “if you make those two pages … the base of what you’re going to eat all week, you’ll save about 30 percent.”

Keep in mind not everything in the circular is on sale. As Consumer Reports informs us, “A mere mention of a product in a circular can boost sales by as much as 500 percent, even without a price reduction.” In fact, SmartMoney.com says, “Some stores raise prices on advertised specials.” If those on sale hot dogs still seem pretty expensive to you, they probably are. Keep moving.

Do the math. On smarter blogs, this is called “comparing unit prices,” but either way, it goes for all shopping everywhere. Just because a product is sold in bulk doesn’t mean it’s a better deal, even if it appears in the circular. In other words, if a 32-oz. olive oil is listed in the weekly at $10, and the 16-oz. version of that same item regularly sells for $4, the 32-oz. bottle is a rip-off. They’re tricking you into buying more product for more money. Tricksters.

Use your judgment. When you finally arrive at that bin of $0.01/lb chicken breast, take a good, long look at the quality of the meat. Is it gray? Does it stink? Is it housing a maggot colony? There’s a reason it’s on sale. Chalk it up in the loss column and move on. (Same goes for fruits and veggies.) However, if it’s pinkish, and still a day or two away from going bad? Stellar. Take it home and freeze what you don’t use immediately.

Bring the circular with you as you shop. Last week, I saw a 2-for-$1 deal on Goya beans in the circular at my local Key Food. When I got to the shelf, there was no indication anywhere they were on sale. Still, I picked up six cans, brought ‘em to Checkout, and sure enough, got the discount. I don’t know if a lot of supermarkets purposely obscure sales, but man, what a villainous ploy if they do.

Bring the circular with you to Checkout. Whether the machines register a wrong promotion code, or simple humans make simple errors, you will inevitably pay extra for an item on sale. If you’re using a circular to shop and suspect you’ve been overcharged, show the cashier. Are you correct? Sweet! You can bask in the glorious victory of the righteous. (Are you wrong? Boo! Apologize, smile sheepishly, and back away slowly.)

If you’ve got a coupon for an item in a circular, go ahead and try it. Waffles are on sale for ½ off. You have an additional $0.50 coupon. It’s worth a shot, right?

Try a raincheck. Not all supermarkets do this, but if a circular item’s sold out, you can try obtaining a raincheck for later. Those $0.88/lb green bell peppers will come in handy in September, you know.


Look online. Circulars are increasingly accessible via la web, and chains are including all sorts of extras to entice you. Instant shopping lists, recipe suggestions, back massagers – whatever. The internet availability makes it much, much easier to compare prices between grocery stores, too.

Check to see if your market will match competitors’ circular prices. Rumor has it that some stores have a lowest-price guarantee, as long as you can prove it using another market’s circular. Print it up and bring it with you on your next shopping trip.

Start a pricebook. Are there products you buy with some regularity? Do they go on sale often? Using the online circular and your last receipt, start keeping track of sale prices. This way, you’ll know when something’s just a nickel off, or 75%. Snazzy!

Plan meals around what’s on sale. See: Loss leaders; Look out for. That $0.79/lb pork shoulder could feed you and/or the Marine Corps for a whole week.

Prepare to shop at the start of a new sales cycle. Lots of circulars go into effect on Fridays, and end the following Thursdays. Generally, the better-quality stuff will be made available at the beginning. Don’t wait.

And that’s our ballgame, folks. I specifically didn’t go into coupons or the Sunday newspaper supplement, since they’ll provide plenty of fodder for a future column. If you’re interested in examining either, I highly suggest CouponMom.com. Stephanie knows the score.

  • Green, Geoffrey M. and John L Park. “New Insights Into Supermarket Promotions via Scanner Data Analysis: The Case of Milk.” Journal of Food Distribution Research. Volume 29, Number 3. November 1998.
  • Kadet, Anne. “10 Things Your Supermarket Won’t Tell You.” SmartMoney.com. August 2001.
  • Moran, Gwen. “Hide and Seek Savings.” Womans Day. p. 98. April 2005.
  • Nelson, Stephanie. “Grocery Store Savings Secrets.” Couponmom.com. 2006.
  • Nelson, Stephanie. “Savings Programs Keep Money in Pocket.” The Augusta Chronicle. P. D02. January 2006.
  • “Winning at the Grocery Game: How to Shop Smarter, Cheaper, Faster.” Consumer Reports. October 2006.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Link With Me: Tuesday

Sometimes Tuesday feels like a pinko lefty commie liberal kind of day. In its honor, today's links are all New York Times, all the time:

New York Times: Summer Express – 101 Meals Ready in 10 Minutes or Less
“How to Cook Everything” guru Mark Bittman jacks it up to ludicrous speed. Quite a few suggestions hit the Cheap Healthy Good requirements (which are: inexpensive, good for you, and presumably way tasty).

New York Times: Did McDonald’s Give into Temptation?
Mickey D’s slides back on its effort to healthy-up the menu. One new Hugo, a 42 oz. soda selling in some markets for $0.89, contains 35 teaspoons of sugar. That comes out to about 12 tablespoons, which is 2/3rds of a cup. Gag.

New York Times: Limiting Ads of Junk Food to Children
GOOD: The government’s restricting junk food commercials aimed at under-12s, especially during kid-centric programming hours, i.e. Saturday morning cartoons.
BAD: The agreement’s ambiguous wording leaves a lot of leeway for ads to pop up in the middle of “family” shows, i.e. American Idol.
UP FOR DISCUSSION: Are the limitations even necessary? Are kids THAT vulnerable to suggestion?
PERSONAL OPINION: Without a doubt.

...and a follow up from Consumerist.

LATE ADDITION: Frugal Law Student is hosting this week's Festival of Frugality. Cheap Healthy Good got a mention! Woot!

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's Drug Pushers and Junque Science Again...or Menstruation key to bone rebuilding

So with the mass marketing of Gardasil in timing with the push for a pill to stop your menstrual cycle, this report shows something close to normal human physiology.

Gee, maybe there is a way back to truth in labeling, or, as it were, scientific research without pre-determined outcomes.

My alarm went off with Gardasil, as readers of this BLOG well know. It also went off when the big ad campaign came out to get you to buy into how great life is without that part of being a woman that they want to deny you next.

One pill, no period.

Sounds easy, but did they forget to include in the ad all the problems you'll encounter because of the pill's nutrient depletions? Not!

And of course they probably forgot to mention that as you age, you just might be forced into a category of those swallowing TIDE.

Yes, bisphosphonates are made from by-products of laundry detergent. And, yes, they do destroy bone and increase your risk of developing esophageal cancer.

Aren't these baby boomers going to be a lucky bunch, while Merck, Pfizer, and P & G laugh all the way to the bank.

And then those natural types, like yours truly, will do what she can to educate others on the positive health benefits of menstruation.

This is also something your Taoist teacher will tell you if you listen.

Menstruation key to bone rebuilding in anorexics

Adequate nutrition can rebuild bone mass in women with anorexia, but the restoration of normal menstrual periods appears to be necessary for fully normal bone metabolism to be recovered, a new study shows.

"Our observations may be important to an understanding of the mechanism of possible reversal of osteoporosis in anorexia nervosa, for which there is as yet no effective treatment," Dr. Jennifer Dominguez of Columbia University Medical Center in New York City and her colleagues conclude.

Studies in which anorexic women have been given oral contraceptives or estrogen to help restore bone mass have had mixed results, Dominguez and her team note, while the process by which bone thinning occurs in these patients is not fully understood. Further, they add in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "the role of nutrition in the recovery of bone has been underestimated."

To better understand bone loss and rebuilding in these patients, the researchers followed 28 women with anorexia nervosa who were undergoing treatment to help regain weight, comparing them to a control group of 11 healthy young women.

After just over two months on nutrition therapy, the anorexia nervosa patients showed significant increases in bone mineral density, the researchers found. Patients' levels of the protein osteocalcin, which is secreted by bone cells and is a key marker of bone formation, also rose. But levels of N-telopeptide, a marker for bone breakdown, remained abnormally high, except among eight women who began menstruating normally after recovering 90 percent of their ideal body weight.

The average bone mineral density among women who didn't begin menstruating after treatment was lower than the bone mineral density for the women who started menstruating and the healthy controls.

The findings suggest, Dominguez and her colleagues note, that women with anorexia have normal to increased rates of bone formation, but that bone breakdown outpaces bone building, resulting in loss of bone mineral density.

"Our data suggest that nutritional therapy is critical and necessary for optimal effect of other therapies," the researchers write. These drugs include antiresorptives -- drugs that block bone breakdown - and estrogen replacement therapy. In fact, they add, such treatment may not be effective until nutritional therapy has restored normal bone formation.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2007.

Doctor Wants More Money to do Basic Legal Care

Confused older patients die sooner according to an article today from Reuters.

This doesn't surprise me because most patients are confused about drugs and how to use them for several reasons.

One reason it seems to affect people with Medicare of Medicaid coverage is the bias against the poor in MSMed today. This is related to dictates of Big Insurance to doctors and others in the health industry, all relying on reimbursement.

Secondly, US Codes do require that a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant specifically explain the risks and benefits of using a drug and how to properly use it. There's more than just giving the information in the communication process, or don't medics get that?

And now why, with a risk of higher health care costs, do arrogant doctors deem they should neglect patients unless they get more KA-CHING?


Cancer patients are more intensively managed by health-care staff and may not need to be as personally involved in their own care, which may explain why health literacy did not affect their fates.

Dr. Anne Fabiny, chief of geriatrics at Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts, said one of her patients made repeated trips to the emergency room when she felt dizzy from taking her daily blood pressure pills in one sitting.

The solution itself was easy: space out the doses over each day. The challenge was making sure her patient understood.

Many doctors do not check that their elderly patients can see or hear instructions in the first place, she added.

"I write out all my instructions for all my patients now (and) have them read the instructions back. If they can read it, (I ask) does that make sense to you?" Fabiny said in a telephone interview.

"Until physicians are compensated for the time it requires to have this sort of effective communication, it will continue to be a problem."

and here is the first part of the article by Ishani Ganguli

Understanding doctors' orders can be a matter of life or death for senior citizens: those who had trouble comprehending their physicians died sooner than their more savvy peers, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Medicare clients who were confused by pill bottles or appointment slips were 52 percent more likely to die over the six years of the study, especially from heart disease.

"Patients with inadequate literacy know less about their diseases ... They are much more likely to be hospitalized," said Dr. David Baker of Northwestern University, who led the research.

"It's not just higher hospital rates. It's significantly higher mortality."

Baker and colleagues followed 3,260 Medicare patients 65 and older in four U.S. cities. To test the volunteers' so-called health literacy, which drops with age, they quizzed them on how well they understood prescription bottles, appointment slips and insurance forms.

"(We provided) a prescription bottle that says 'take this medicine on an empty stomach one hour before meals or two hours after.' The question is, you're going to eat lunch at noon, what time are you going to take this medicine?" Baker said in a telephone interview.

In another example: "Normal blood sugar is 80 to 130. Your blood sugar today is 160. Is your blood sugar normal? A quarter of patients couldn't get this correct," Baker said.

The 25 percent of people who got 55 percent or fewer of the questions right were rated as having inadequate health literacy. Another 11 percent scored as marginally literate and had a 13 percent higher chance of dying in the six years.

The findings held regardless of factors such as income and education, the researchers reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Baker said he was not surprised that less literate patients were more vulnerable to death from heart disease -- which puts more burden on the patient to maintain their health.

"If somebody has heart problems or they have diabetes or high blood pressure, there's a whole host of things they need to be able to do to have good health in the future -- take medicines correctly, eat a low salt diet, exercise regularly," he said.

Refried Beans: Easy Like Beanday Morning

Refried beans: their very name suggests cardiac arrest.

“Beans. Those are healthy. Oh, wait - maybe not. It says here they’re fried. No, check that. They’re REFRIED. Does that mean they’ve been FRIED AGAIN? How is that POSSIBLE? GOD IN HEAVEN, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?

Relax. Despite their forbidding moniker, homemade refried beans are surprisingly low in fat, calories, and evil. In fact, their fiber content (about 7 grams per serving) will have your colon doing backflips. (Or buttflips. Or whatever it is that colons do when they’re happy.) Plus, I recently discovered that making them in your own kitchen is relatively simple and quick as hell.

At best, home preparations are a bit garlicky and just-barely past viscous. They shouldn’t run, but you shouldn’t be able to sculpt with them, either. The first time I tried cooking refried beans at home, I let too much water evaporate, and it resulted in a pasty, adobe-style substance not unlike what you might use to build a hut. Since then, the dish has become progressively easier for me to whip up, and has repeatedly proven superior to canned versions.

Listed below are two recipes: a super-basic one from the back of a Goya can, and a more complex version from Food Network’s Ellie Krieger. I found the restaurant-styleGoya beans to be less expensive and a tad less flavorful, while the Ellie beans are a little pricier/gourmet-ier/kickier, but either would make a delicious side for your next fiesta. Or you could eat ‘em all at once. But who in the world would do a thing like that?

(*farts incriminatingly*)

Ellie Krieger’s Refried Beans
3 servings – heaping ½ c per serving

1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp ancho chili powder, or other chili powder
1 (15-ounce) can pinto beans, preferably low-sodium, drained and rinsed
2/3 cup low-sodium chicken or veggie broth, plus more if needed
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves

1) In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook until soft but not brown, about 3 or 4 minutes. Add garlic and chili powder, stir, and cook for 1 minute. Add beans and chicken broth and cook until everything is warm, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2) Mash mixture using either the back of a wooden spoon or a potato masher. If needed, add more chicken broth for moisture. Stir in cilantro and season with salt and pepper.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
182 calories, 5 g fat, $0.54

1 Tbsp olive oil: 120 calories, 14 g fat, $0.08
1/2 medium onion: 56 calories, 0 g fat, $0.18
2 cloves garlic, minced: 10 calories, 0 g fat, $0.10
1 tsp ancho chili powder, or other chili powder: negligible calories and fat, $0.04
1 (15-ounce) can pinto beans: 350 calories, 2 g fat, $0.50
2/3 cup low-sodium chicken broth: 10 calories, 1 g fat, $0.38
Salt and pepper: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves: negligible calories and fat, $0.33
TOTAL: 546 calories, 15 g fat, $1.63
PER SERVING (TOTAL/3): 182 calories, 6 g fat, $0.54

Goya Refried Beans
3 servings – heaping ½ c per serving

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 14.5-oz can pinto beans, undrained
¼ onion, chopped small
1 large garlic clove
salt and pepper to taste

1) In a medium skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic and onions, and cook until onions are soft and translucent.

2) While onions are cooking, combine beans and bean juice in a bowl. Mash with potato masher. Add to onion mixture when finished.

3) Cook everything until liquid has reduced a little, and the beans are the consistency you like. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
168 calories, 4.7 g fat, $0.25

1 Tablespoon olive oil: 120 calories, 14 g fat, $0.08
1 14.5-oz can pinto beans: 350 calories, 2 g fat, $0.50
¼ onion, chopped small: 28 calories, 0 g fat, $0.09
1 large garlic clove: 5 calories, 0 g fat, $0.05
salt and pepper: negligible calories and fat, $0.03
TOTAL: 503 calories, 16 g fat, $0.75
PER SERVING (TOTAL/3): 168 calories, 5.3 g fat, $0.25

A New Approach Necessary, Not More New Drugs

"The so-called Sydney Declaration's central message is that governments need to dedicate more resources to HIV research if the world is to effectively combat the Aids pandemic.

The document says this will help speed up the implementation of new drugs and technologies to prevent, diagnose and treat an infection which has already killed 25 million people."

These are the last two paragraphs of the article linked in the headline above. I purposely highlighted a portion of the sentence in the first paragraph to call attention to something.

That something is faulty thinking or the traditional approach to solving a problem. I think this is what has to change.

It has to change because there is a nutritional approach that needs to be included in the fight against HIV/AIDS. These supplements are valuable and available, and low cost.

Instead of striking a deal with Big Pharma for low cost antiretroviral drugs, maybe Bill Clinton might do better if he'd become less linear in his thinking. If he changed his thinking he might get that there are negative effects of the problem and the drugs. Then he might go for something less harmful, with more promise and is easier to get to the people.

If you're interested in our approach just let us know.

Censure Required Over More Mercury

While politicians in D.C. contemplate their handouts from vaccine manufacturers like Merck (profits rising), no one seems interested in censuring Bush.

Perhaps he will come forward to volunteer himself, or perhaps his twin daughters, to take some mercury injections. This might be a viable experiment to gather data that might end the debacle once-and-for-all.

The mercury issue is just another example of administration double-speak. It is, in this case, tantamount to experimentation without consent.

But then this has been a long-existing US policy. Right mate?

And just another way to build profit for Bush cronies under the false assumption that flu vaccine works.

Using last year's flu to make this years vaccine is junque science of the highest order.

Remember, the ones who get sick are the ones who have had the shot...maybe it is dumbing down your immune system.

It's worth your time and consideration to keep you and your health from jumping off a cliff.

Bush Set To Veto HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill Because of Provision To Remove Mercury From Infant Vaccines

According to the Congressional Quarterly (21 Jul 2007), the White House stated on Tuesday that President Bush would veto the HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill because of the cost and "objectionable provisions" such as a measure to ban the use of childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative.

Autism advocacy groups are outraged because President Bush stated in a questionnaire during his 2004 campaign: "I support the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines on the childhood national vaccine schedule.

During a second term as President, I will continue to support increased funding to support a wide variety of research initiatives aimed at seeking definitive causes and/or triggers of autism. It is important to note that while there are many possible theories about causes or triggers of autism, no one material has been definitely included or excluded."

But since 2005, President Bush has steadfastly refused to issue an Executive Order banning high amounts of mercury in vaccines that would protect children and pregnant women despite repeated requests from the autism community that he uphold his campaign promise. Under his current administration, mercury has been and will continue to be knowingly injected into the youngest of American citizens. The controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has been linked by thousands of parents as being the cause of their children's mercury poisoning and autism.

The flu vaccine which continues to be manufactured with mercury is recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children despite the fact that the Institute of Medicine in 2001 recommended against the policy of exposing these same sensitive groups to thimerosal containing vaccines.

According to the EPA, one in every six women of childbearing age already has blood levels of mercury high enough to cause neurological damage to their unborn children due to environmental exposures alone.

"Injecting even more mercury into the bodies of pregnant women, infants and children when it is not a necessary component of vaccines is just bad medicine," said Lyn Redwood, president of SafeMinds and parent of a mercury-injured child.

"It defies logic that a flu vaccine must be disposed of as a hazardous waste if it is not used, but somehow injecting the same mercury-containing vaccine into a baby is safe."

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cell Phone Safety

I have added several comments in parentheses. The cell phone companies do know of the hazards, the information can be found in their patent applications.


Radiation of cellular telephones is not danger free, as the cellular companies claim at present.

Therefore, the Doctors Chamber of Vienna has taken a responsible decision to make the public aware of the possibility of negative influences of cellular radiation, from a medical point of view.


• In principle, telephone calls should be as few and as brief as possible. It is recommended that children and youth abstain from conducting cellular telephone calls!

• The cellular telephone should not be held near the head while sending out the call!

• Cellular telephones should not be used in vehicles (cars, buses, trains) – the radiation there is higher! (Inside buildings too)

• While sending SMS messages the cellular telephone should be held as far away as possible from the body!

• During a cellular telephone conversation a distance of several meters (6-8 feet)should be kept from other people – the radiation is harmful to them as well!

• No on-line games (GPRS) should be played on the cellular telephone!

• Wired speaker telephones are dubious – the wire conducts the radiation!

• LAN or UMTS wireless speaker telephones create a high radiation load!

• Cellular telephones should not be kept in trousers pockets – the radiation may harm masculine fertility!

• Cellular telephones should be turned off during the night (battery removed) and, they should be kept away from the sleeping area!

The Sunflower Project


Thank you for your cooperation!

Even trace amounts of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from devices like cell phones have a negative effect on my health – i.e. they make me feel sick.

I have a condition called Electrosensitivity, where even small amounts of EMR will have a negative effect on my well-being.

EMR/Microwaves from cell phones can cause the following symptoms:

(1) headaches, (2) heart pain and palpitations, (3) nausea, (4) inability to concentrate, (5) painful lymph nodes, and so on.

In the past few years, people with this condition have been growing exponentially.

We need your cooperation in creating an environment that is comfortable for everyone. Please keep your cell phone off when around others – and especially when in public vehicles like buses and trains.

What is Electrosensitivity? Electrosensitivity is a condition where a person will feel sick when exposed to the EMR given off by electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers. Symptoms appear when the person is exposed to the offending EMR and disappear when the said person moves away and is out of range of these offending EMR.

Major Symptoms: Headache, Sleep disturbances (Insomnia), Dizziness, Nausea, Heart Palpitations, Concentration Problems, Fatigue, Listlessness, Indigestion, Redness of Skin, Tingling Sensation, Anxiety Attacks, etc.

Fifty Percent of Population Affected by Year 2017? The percentage of people affected throughout the world has been increasing exponentially and it is predicted that by the year 2017 over half the population may be suffering from symptoms of this disorder.

The percentage of people throughout the world who are believed to be electrosensitive.

What are the experts saying? In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized the existence of electrosensitivity. The condition has been researched for over twenty years throughout the world. Even in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare funded such research. Moreover, increasing case studies are increasingly being reported from around the world. The Vienna Medical Association, noting a cause and effect relationship between the increase in cell phones and the increasing number of people affected, has created posters (posted in hospital waiting rooms) warning of dangers and listing rules for their use.

Cell Phone Radiation's Effect on Bodily Systems

An Increase in Cancer

• Use of a cell phone for ten-plus years increases your chance of
cancer of the auditory nerve by 200%. This chance increases by 400% if you use the cell phone on the same side of the head.

• The amount of radiation emitted by cell phones can break DNA strands.

• Experiments on animals show a doubling of the risk of brain tumors.

Affects Reproduction

• Exposure causes a decrease in sperm.

• Experiments have shown an increase in death of chick embryos exposed to EMR.

Triggers Allergies like Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema

• Exposure to EMR from cell phones has been shown to cause an increase within the body of substances triggering allergic reactions.

Disruption of Hormones

• EMR exposure brings about a decrease in melatonin, a hormone coupled with proper sleep and boosting immunity. A decrease in melatonin has been shown to be associated with sleep disturbances, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), miscarriages, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, and an increase in suicides.

References: Ogino, Ph.D. Dangerous Cell Phones (Abunai Ketai Denwa); Cherry, N….

Q: Why do I have to turn my cell phone completely off? Can't I leave it on vibration mode? Your cell phone is on a regular basis sending microwaves out to the nearest cell phone tower/mast in order to make confirmation so that it will be prepared to send and receive information. When the power is on, microwaves are constantly being sent and received. So in order to not negatively expose those nearby you, please turn off your cell phone completely when not in use.

Q: How about playing games or sending messages? Even when you are not speaking, the sending and receiving of messages or the playing of games causes exposure to EMR. For this reason, the Vienna Medical Association is even cautioning against the use of text-messaging and the playing of games on a cell phone. It is pointed out by the Vienna Medical Association that especially in vehicles (cars, buses, and trains), the microwaves will tend to bounce off the metal frame of the vehicle causing an increase in exposure levels. This makes this especially dangerous for children who are more susceptible to the effects of EMR due to their thinner skulls and rapidly growing bodies, which are hence composed of rapidly dividing cells.

The Sunflower Project

There has been a drastic increase in environmental illnesses like Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Atopic Dermatitis, Asthma, Autism, CFIDS, and so on due to an increase in environmental pollutants (visible and invisible). The goal of the Sunflower Project is to create a clean, safe, and healthy living environment for all living beings.


Paul Raymond Doyon MAT (TESOL), MA
Advanced Japanese Studies, BA Psychology

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
Vienna doctors group say children shouldn't have phones

Austrian doctor’s group warns of excessive mobile phone use by children

Starmail - 20. Jul, 09:35

Friday, July 20, 2007

Turkey Meatloaf? That's Turkey Mr. Aday to You

Growing up, Ma’s meatloaf was a once-in-a-while meal – a rare occurrence on par with Haley’s Comet or the Mets sweeping the Braves at Turner Field. And this is a good thing.

Hard, dry, and made with more bread crumbs than beef, meatloaf wasn’t a dinner we looked forward to, like spaghetti or anything potato-based. And when Ma served it, our disgust was palpable. We made “yick” faces, diced it into microscopic bits, and hid the refuse under neighboring green beans, all in the futile hope she wouldn’t detect our duplicity and ground us for ten years.

Traumatized, I haven’t voluntarily eaten meatloaf since the ‘80s. Then came Ina.

Ina Garten, aka Barefoot Contessa, is the Food Network’s resident State-Department-Nuclear-Policy-Maker-Turned-Hamptons-Hostess. Her meals are largely impeccable, and even food Nazis dig her first collection of recipes, cleverly titled The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook. Hidden deep inside this tome, among pages and pages of high-fat, high-pleasure goodies, is Turkey Meatloaf. Moist, flavorful, and relatively guilt-free, it’s a paragon of loaf-based cuisine. I cook it fairly often, with a few minor changes.

First, since Ina’s recipes generally make enough for the Duke graduating class of 2007, I cut the ingredients in half. Second, I use Jill W's glaze, which came from favorite blogs, Words to Eat By. Third … there is no third. It’s pretty infallible as-is.

It should be noted, though - unless you use 99% fat-free ground turkey breast, calorie-wise, this is comparable to a lot of other meat loaf recipes. However, the fat is reduced by a third to a half, and the price can’t be beaten. Plus, you’ll have leftovers that will absolutely knock your socks off.

Barefoot/WtEB Turkey Meatloaf
10 servings - 1 slice each
Adapted from Barefoot Contessa.

1 large yellow onion, chopped fine
1 T. olive oil
1 t. salt
½ t. freshly ground black pepper
1 t. fresh thyme leaves (½ t. ground)
3 T. Worcestershire sauce
6 T. chicken broth
1 t. tomato paste
2 ½ lb. ground turkey [I use 1 package each of “lean” and of breast]
¾ cup plain dry bread crumbs
4 large egg whites, beaten
Cooking Spray
Glaze ingredients:
1/2 cup ketchup
4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 teaspoons cider vinegar (Don’t use Tablespoons – I did this once and my kitchen smelled like a Mott’s factory. - Kris)

1) Heat olive oil in a medium pan over medium-low heat. Add onions, salt, pepper, and thyme and cook until onions are translucent, about 15 minutes or so. Add  Worcestershire sauce, chicken broth, and tomato paste and stir well. Kill the heat and allow everything to come down to room temperature. [I put the pan in the fridge to speed up the process. - Kris]

2) Preheat the oven to 350. While onion mixture is cooling, line a baking sheet with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray. (Pamming is an unskippable step. - Kris) Set aside.

3) In a large bowl, combine ground turkey, bread crumbs, egg whites, and onion mixture using your hands or a wooden spoon. Shape into a meatloaf and set on the prepared baking sheet. Combine the glaze ingredients and pour on loaf.

4) Bake for 90 minutes, or until temperature on a meat thermometer is 160 degrees and the meat loaf is cooked in the middle. (Mine took about 80 minutes. - Kris)

5) Serve immediately, or savor it for the next day. Either way works

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
269.3 calories, 9.96 g fat, $0.91

1 large yellow onion: 125 calories, 0 g fat, $0.40
1 T. olive oil: 120 calories, 14 g fat, $0.08
1 t. salt: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
½ t. freshly ground black pepper: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
1 t. fresh thyme leaves (½ t. ground): negligible calories and fat, $0.10
3 T. Worcestershire sauce: 45 calories, 0 g fat, $0.45 total
6 T. chicken broth: 4 calories, 0 g fat, $0.20
1 t. tomato paste: 2 calories, 0 g fat, $0.03
2 ½ lb. 93/7 ground turkey: 1623 calories, 81.1 g. fat, $6.29
¾ cup plain dry bread crumbs: 360 calories, 4.5 g fat, $0.35
4 large egg whites: 70 calories, 0 g fat, $0.63
Cooking Spray: negligible calories and fat, $0.02
1/2 cup ketchup:160 calories, 0 g fat, $0.33
4 tablespoons brown sugar: 180 calories, 0 g fat, $0.09
4 teaspoons cider vinegar: 4 calories, 0 g fat, $0.07
TOTAL: 2693 calories, 99.6 g fat, $9.08
PER SERVING (TOTAL/10): 269.3 calories, 9.96 g fat, $0.91

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More of What's Behind Gardasil

The Politics And PR Of Cervical Cancer
A four-article series by Center for Media
and Democracy's Associate Director, Judith Siers-Poisson.

A four-article series by Center for Media and Democracy's Associate Director, Judith Siers-Poisson.

Part 1: Setting the Stage

Part 2: Research, Develop, and Sell, Sell, Sell

Part 3: Women in Government, Merck's Trojan Horse

Part 4:Profit Knows No Borders, Selling Gardasil to the Rest of the World

Courtesy:Jeff Rense

Driven to Link: Thursday

Grad Money Matters: The Cure for “Hon, Let’s Eat Out Today” Syndrome
It’s cheap! It’s healthy! It’s mostly good. Building off yesterday’s post, GMM has some strategies for getting your tuchus out of the drive-thru and into the kitchen.

One Money Dummy Getting Smarter: To Slay the Beast
Money Dummy echoes GMM’s sentiments, regaling readers with her own tale of Homicus Culinarius.

Simple Dollar: “I’m Too Tired To Cook” - At-Home Dining Solutions For The Overworked Family
Good lord! The home cooking posts just don’t stop!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Please ignore headlines, they are written only to grab your attention

Intensive diet doesn't prevent breast cancer: study

This story, and it's headline, is circulating in the media right now. Since most people don't take the time to read the entire story, they miss a key fact that counters the use of sensationalism in headline writing.

Read the article and what you really find is this -

"...healthy eating habits and frequent exercise can nonetheless dramatically reduce the chance of remission while providing additional health benefits."

"Women who ate at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and exercised six times a week cut their cancer recurrence in half."

The not so good advice is relying on the USDA food pyramid. Better nutrition advice is available.

Another point excluded is the warning that mammogram and other radiation exposure increases breast cancer rates and re-occurrence.

Probably one of those times to pay your money and take your chances, right?

Fear Itself

I have dinosaur hands.

They’re not green or scaled, and they don’t have that weird, hooky claw. Instead, they’re microscopic, pretty close to inoperable, and noticeably out of proportion with the rest of my body. When coupled with my stunning lack of coordination, they make certain tasks a bit tricky, if not extremely frightening.

Up until last year, the scariest of those challenges was operating a knife. I could never secure the right grip or put enough strength behind a chopping motion. Cleaving a piece of meat was an effort, and dicing vegetables took longer than Das Boot. On the rare occasions I cooked, I inevitably got tired and embedded a blade in my thumb.

Abundant blood loss and intense fear of further self-mutilation drove me to seek food elsewhere: the college dining hall, the work cafeteria, Burrito Loco across the street – anywhere but my own home. Finally, when the expenditures started piling up (see this post), I gave in and signed up for a Knife Skills class.

The three-hour session was a revelation. I learned technique and economy of movement. I found out why a big knife is better than a little one, and the difference between a julienne and a chiffonade. I saw how an onion could fall into a million tiny pieces with just three accurate slashes. Yet, these discoveries were nothing compared to the big one.

Turns out, the dread of slicing my fingers into Vienna sausages was representative of a much greater cowardice: essentially, I had been afraid of the kitchen.

What if I picked up a hot pan on the wrong end? What if my knuckles got caught in the cheese grater? What if the dirty dishes became insurmountable? What if I poisoned my parents?

What if I made something, and it was terrible?

I have Conan O’Brien’s commencement speech to the Harvard Class of 2000 hanging on my wall at work. In it, he says (and this is a wee bit paraphrased), “Every failure [is] freeing … Fall down, make a mess, break something occasionally.” Emboldened after Knife Skills, I endeavored to apply this idea to the kitchen.

Now it’s year-and-a-half later, and things are a little different. I’ve cooked some truly vomit-inspiring meals. I’ve washed more plates than God. I can play tic-tac-toe in the burn marks on my wrists. But I’ve also churned out some pretty decent food, an achievement unthinkable to me in 2004. I recognize I’m still not a great cook, but hell – it’s a work in progress.

And maybe that’s one of the secrets to good, inexpensive, nutritionally balanced food: getting over your fears. I’m working on it, dinosaur hands and all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So You Think Mammography Isn't a Cause of Cancer?

We've been saying this for more than 10 years.

Reading this article just might be enough to convince you that radiation does cause breast cancer, and that the side effects of mammography are heart disease and thyroid impairment.

I hope so!

Heart X-ray raises cancer risk

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science EditorTue Jul 17, 5:15 PM ET

A special type of X-ray used to diagnose heart disease may cause cancer in women and young adults and should be used with caution, U.S. doctors reported on Tuesday.

The procedure, called a computed tomography (CT) coronary angiography, is meant to reduce complications because it can see inside the heart and its arteries without invading the body.

But it gives a high dose of radiation, enough to cause cancer in vulnerable people, the researchers reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

They said women and young men are especially at risk.

"The same amount of radiation appears to be more likely to cause cancer in woman than in men," Dr. Andrew Einstein, cardiologist at Columbia University Medical Center who led the study, said in a telephone interview.

"A second difference between women and men is the risk of breast cancer. The heart sits in the chest right behind the breasts so the breasts end up being irradiated."

Younger people are more at risk in part because it can take years for cancer to develop after radiation damage, Einstein said.

The researchers found that a 20-year-old woman had a 1 in 143 lifetime risk of developing cancer from one of the scans. An 80-year-old man would have a 1 in 3,261 risk, they found.

A 60-year-old woman would have a 1 in 715 risk of cancer while a 60-year-old man would have a 1 in 1,911 risk.

The CT angiography is sometimes used in emergency rooms when someone comes in with chest pain and doctors need to assess quickly whether a heart attack is likely, Einstein said. He said 6 million patients come into U.S. emergency rooms alone with chest pain every year.

"We are still trying to find out what the role of CT coronary angiography is," he said. "I think it may not be the test of choice for young women."

Einstein's team used a report last year from the National Research Council, an independent body that advises the federal government, that looked at the effects of low-level ionizing radiation on health.

They tested the CT angiography to see how much radiation it actually delivered. They combined their findings with the report on radiation to estimate the risks to patients.

The most common way to see if someone had clogged arteries is a standard angiogram, which uses a standard X-ray.

The doctor uses a catheter to inject a chemical called a contrast agent that makes the arteries easier to image, and this process can cause side effects as it involves punching a hole in an artery.

Too Much Spin, I'm Dizzy Already

That dizzy feeling comes from reading the health news, hoping for some juicy tidbit that needs some additional commentary. Too bad most people take it all as 'gospel', and too bad so much of it is purely 'old news' making the rounds again in different clothes.

Probably more than enough to make the public gasp!

Here is the no brainer on Chris Benoit - steroids and other drugs in his system. (Try Leaflady's Formula One for cellular energy and no crazy rage).

Now with Gardasil, about 35 use-less drugs by vaccination at age 11. And today, whilst it is known that one of the side effects of this and other vaccines is arthritis, it is announced that arthritis costs the economy $1.2 + Billion a year.

So, more vaccines leading to more arthritis, that must be the sought after end result.

Profit by another name, eh?

Then we go to this new grapefruit and breast cancer issue. I'm probably still thinking on this one, but I can point out with certainty - blocking the P450 pathway can -IN FACT - lead to cancer.

Stomach cancer most likely, from my point of view. You see all those acid blocking pills pushed at you for heartburn lead right along this trail.

The P450 pathway is an extremely important DETOXIFICATION pathway. Not one, but ALL of the purple pill category drugs block this process.

When you don't want to risk stomach cancer remember that you can say NO to any medical person writing you a prescription for Nexium, Prevacid and similar drugs. Saying yes might be a ticket to your last ride, death.

They don't like you to take prescription drugs with grapefruit juice. This is because the juice, in most cases, can intensify drugs.

Maybe you could take less drug and more grapefruit juice, just like taking less of that breast cancer drug
TYKERB with fatty food. The BBC news reports combining medicines with the right food could improve the effectiveness of drugs and reduce the costs of treating patients, according to experts.

Of course eating the right foods and getting good nutrition reduces or eliminates your risk of cancer and other diseases - something to ponder.

Stop it on the front end, or what is called prevention.

To prevent breast cancer, start saying NO to mammogram.

Prevent acid reflux by drinking more pure water not with meals, eating slowly and chewing food, exercising, using digestive enzymes with meals, and checking for adequate hydrochloric acid in your stomach because many with reflux don't really have enough acid.

One of those old recipes that works extremely well is adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it 20 minutes before you eat. It'll keep your bones strong too.

Links of Tuesday

New York Times: Surgeon General Sees 4-Year Term as Compromised
Mother, should I trust the government?

Wise Bread: Baby Carrots – The Frugal Idea That Isn’t
Baby carrots are one of the biggest rackets in marketing history. Tremendous article by Wise Bread food guru Andrea Dickson dissects their nefarious do-badding.

Baselle’s Financial Diary: How to … buy grocery produce
Fruit and vegetable shopping tips, straight from a former plant physiologist. I don’t know what that is, but it certainly sounds authoritative.

Chowhound: Eating Like a Chowhound on $3 a Day
Week 1 Menu
Chowhound poster rworange went Self-Prepared Gourmet for a week, keeping his budget to $21 total. Pretty neat experiment, with quite a few cheap, healthy recipes included therein. The discussion (scroll down) is even better.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Babytime Pasta Salad, Hold the Mayo

Last weekend, the boyfriend and I had a Baby Party for some expecting friends of ours. Not to be confused with Baby Showers (the bane of my earthly existence), Baby Parties do not involve any of the following:
  • Baby Bingo
  • Three hours of gift opening
  • Precious Moments figurines
  • Aunt Dorothy asking if you’re married yet
Instead, Baby Parties DO include:
  • Copious barbecue
  • Red wine
  • Good lighting and music
  • Menfolk
  • A vast array of delicious side dishes
The last part is what we’re dealing with here. Since there would be about 25 attendees, I needed to make an enormous side that would feed dozens, without using any mayonnaise (the other bane of my earthly existence). A recipe for Gazpacho Pasta Salad in Cooks Country fit the bill beautifully, and then some.

As opposed to the floppyrotini/limpbroccoli/Italiandressing pasta salads of yore, this repast benefits greatly from a buttload of fresh seasonal veggies, as well as a slightly spicy tomato-based sauce. It’s tasty, pretty, and makes a metric ton of food to boot.

To make it a tad more manageable/nutritional, I cut the cucumber into quarters and halved the olive oil from ¼ cup to 2 Tbsp., which didn’t make a noticeable difference in the taste. The recipe calls for ½ cup of black olives and ½ cup crumbled feta, which I left off, as well. I love both, but found the olives don’t add much, and my lactose-intolerant friends couldn’t hack the frommage. Feel free to add any element back (especially the cheese) if it’s to your liking.

Finally, I should mention that I got totally hosed on the price of the grape tomatoes. In retrospect, I could have bought two vine-ripened tomatoes for $1.50, chopped ‘em, and saved $2.50 overall. But alas, I’m a dummy, Pathmark pricing is the devil, and the twain shalt not co-exist in a peaceful world.

Anyway, behold:

Gazpacho Pasta Salad
15 servings – 1 massive cup each
Adapted from Cook's Country.

1 14-½ oz. can diced (or whole) tomatoes
3 medium garlic cloves
1 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
¼ cup packed fresh basil
1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 pound rotini pasta
1 medium cucumber, peeled, quartered lengthwise, seeded and cut into ¼ inch pieces
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium yellow bell pepper, chopped
2 cups (or 1 pt.) cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
3 scallions, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp olive oil

1) Combine diced tomatoes, garlic, red pepper flakes, basil, vinegar and ½ teaspoon salt in a food processor and process until smooth. Transfer to a non-metal bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

2) Cook pasta in salted water until al dente. When finished, drain and rinse well with cold water.

3) Combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Add pasta and pureed dressing and toss well. Serve straight to the table or after a few hours in the fridge

Approximate Calories, Fat, and Price Per Serving
147 calories, 2.4 g fat, $0.74

1 14-½ oz. can diced tomatoes: 75 calories, 0 g fat, $1.19
3 medium garlic cloves: 15 calories, 0 g fat, $0.15
1 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes: negligible calories and fat., $0.20
¼ cup packed fresh basil: negligible calories and fat, $0.85 (packed = more $)
1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar: negligible calories and fat, $0.10
Salt: negligible calories and fat, $0.01
1 pound rotini pasta: 1680 calories, 8 g fat, $0.60
1 medium cucumber: 20 calories, 0 g fat, $0.40
1 medium red bell pepper: 40 calories, 0 g fat, $0.88
1 medium yellow bell pepper: 40 calories, 0 g fat, $1.64
2 cups (or 1 pt.) cherry or grape tomatoes: 60 calories, 0 g fat, $3.99
¼ cup chopped fresh parsley: negligible calories and fat, $0.45
3 scallions: 15 calories, 0 g fat, $0.50
2 Tbsp olive oil: 240 calories, 28 g fat, $0.15
TOTAL: 2185 calories, 36 g fat, $11.11
PER SERVING (TOTAL/6): 147 calories, 2.4 g fat, $0.74

Sunday, July 15, 2007

At last, a report on our 2004 report

No credit to CHI, but finally MSM (mainstream media) reports on a vector in the rising tide of hospital infection -

Doctor's and others: CELL PHONES.

"Cell Phones may carry more bacteria than toilets."

Problem Pundits

B vitamins are used in the body individually or in combination with enzymes to help release energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Vitamin B coenzymes are crucial to the metabolic pathways that generate the energy needed by every cell in the body. Because they are co-dependent in their metabolic activities, a deficiency of one B vitamin can affect optimal functioning of organ systems throughout the body.
Folic acid (folate) is a member of the B-complex family. It is found in abundance in leafy green vegetables, but is often deficient in the standard American diet. Folic acid participates in a coenzyme reaction that synthesizes DNA needed for cell growth and new cell formation and helps convert vitamin B12 to one of its coenzyme forms.

Yes, the B complex vitamins are probably the most important vitamins today because of the food industry's removing then years ago. All you have to do is to look at dis-ease rates.
More dis-ease, more drugs. Then the drugs often deplete folic acid and B12.
Pretty clear smoke & mirros application I'd say.
B vitamins are necessary for healthy brain and nerve function, metabolising food, treating TB and obviously preventing birth defects (known for many decades), as well as many more beneficial uses.
The key point is to remember when using single B vitamins, ALWAYS take complete B complex with it. This is the key to preventing that 'neuropathy' propaganda that doctors rely on to make you believe B vitamins are bad for health.
Also remember - B vitamins in the blood is not the same as B vitamins in the cell, so push your doctor, especially as you age to test intra-cellularly for accuracy.
And, if you take the prevention path you most likely won't become a cash cow for the medical-pharmaceutical industry.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has spent enormous resources trying to prevent people from supplementing with folic acid. The FDA argues against folic acid supplementation because the presence of folic acid in the blood could mask a serious vitamin B12 deficiency. In a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Losonczy et al. (1996) addressed the FDA's concerns by recommending that folic acid supplements be fortified with vitamin B12 as a prudent way of gaining the cardiovascular benefits of folic acid without risking a B12 deficiency.
Even though major medical journals (e.g., New England Journal of Medicine) long ago endorsed the use of folic acid to reduce cardiovascular disease (Malinow et al. 1998), the FDA still does not accept that folic acid has any benefit other than preventing a certain type of birth defect.
A study by Giovannucci et al. (1998) in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed how fatally flawed the position of the FDA is. Data from the famous Harvard Nurses' Health Study conducted at the Harvard Medical School showed that long-term supplementation with folic acid reduces the risk of colon cancer by an astounding 75% in women. The fact that there are 90,000 women participating in the Harvard Nurses' Health Study makes this finding especially significant. The authors of this study explained that folic acid obtained from supplements had a stronger protective effect against colon cancer than folic acid consumed in the diet. This new study helps to confirm the work of Dr. Bruce Ames, the famous molecular biologist who has authored numerous articles showing that folic acid is extremely effective in preventing the initial DNA mutations that can lead to cancer later in life. This Harvard report, showing a 75% reduction in colon cancer incidence, demonstrated that the degree of protection against cancer is correlated with how long a DNA-protecting substance (folic acid) is consumed. It was the women who took more than 400 mcg of folic acid a day for 15 years who experienced the 75% reduction in colon cancer, whereas short-term supplementation with folic acid produced only marginal protection.
Canadian folic acid fortification cuts neural-tube defects by nearly half
The July 12, 2007 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reported the finding of Canadian researchers that their country̢۪s fortification of grain products with folic acid has resulted in a 46 percent decline in the incidence of congenital neural-tube deformation. Impaired development of the neural-tube during a child̢۪s prenatal period can result in lifelong physical or mental disabilities, and, in many cases, death. A deficiency of the B-vitamin folic acid has been determined to be the cause of a large number of these defects.
â€Å“Canada decided to add folic acid to all flour produced in the country because formation of the neural-tube in embryos is particularly intense during the first four weeks of pregnancy, which is before a lot of women even know they’re pregnant,” explained the study’s lead author Dr Philippe De Wals, of the Université Laval in Quebec.
De Wals and his Canadian colleagues examined 1,909,741 live births, stillbirths, and terminations of pregnancies due to fetal abnormalities recorded between 1993 and 2002. Neural-tube defects, consisting mainly of anencephaly and spina bifida, occurred among 2,446 infants born during this period.
While there was no change in the rate of neural-tube defects occurring between 1993 and 1997 prior to the mandatory fortification of cereals with folic acid, a decrease of 46 percent was found after fortification was fully implemented in March, 2000. The decrease in spina bifida incidence was greatest at 53 percent, followed by a 38 percent decrease in anencephaly, and a 32 percent reduction in encephalocele. The greatest reduction in neural-tube deformations occurred in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia, which had the highest rates prior to 1998.
Health Canada recommended that pregnant women supplement with folic acid with or without multivitamins before folic acid fortification became mandatory, but many women failed to follow this advice. The authors observe that a recent study found a decrease from 4.9 to 0.6 neural-tube defects per 1000 births in the northern part of China as a result of prenatal folic acid supplementation. Health Canada still recommends folic acid supplements for women of child-bearing age.
Canada is one of only three other countries to mandate folic acid fortification of cereals. If implemented worldwide, it is estimated that as many as 100,000 cases of spina bifida and anencephaly could be prevented.

Consider PREVENTION as your best defense amidst the current wave of junque science.

Mixed Messages

"We have to get our voice heard above the cacophony of the junk science that is being heard."

This quote comes from the head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding.

I don't know where she was 30 or so years ago when the cooperation between professionals in health care was common.

The divide has certainly widened over the decades.

Of course - as I see it - a piece of this problem belongs to hospital administrators, insurers, and Big Pharma.

Administrators, and yes I once was one in several hospital settings, as a rule, cater to their own linear thinking and the bottom line. When budget cuts are the issue, only to keep the bottom line even, nurses are always near the top of the list.

What the administrator fails to recognize is that the product of a hospital is nursing care.

This of course leads to worsening patient care, higher dissatisfaction, worsening infection rates, more complications and probably more deaths.

More medication errors do happen, but this is overlooking the problem with the drugs, and we have Big Pharma to thank for that.

And we have insurance to thank for a lot more.

It is really not tort reform that is needed but if you might dare to suggest the problems lie elsewhere than with trial attorneys, you might find yourself out of a job.

I have a lot of answers, based on the fact that I have saved a number of health care facilities from demise, and at the same time improved nurse-patient ratios, made money, and promoted the TEAM approach to care.

It is easier to do than most might even consider. It's tough because so many are locked in an outdated paradigm.

So, just a few days after your Congressional delegates succumbed to more handouts from Big Pharma and insurance (they helped draft the legislation), drastically damaging your right of choice to care, and natural care too, Gerberding issues this commentary.

I clearly do not agree with most of what the CDC supports. One example is that I am against vaccines(truth-be-told, they really do not work) and the failure of the agency itself to get out-of-the-box and address major health concerns (including prevention) from a different perspective.

Yes, Gerberding's idea is good. But, who is hearing her, and how does she propose bringing it in to action?

Start from ground up to fix health care: CDC head

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science EditorSat Jul 14, 3:14 PM ET

Reforming the tottering U.S. health care system should start at the very beginning of the process -- in medical school, the top public health official said on Saturday.

Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stepped into the debate over health care reform with a call for changing the way doctors, nurses, veterinarians, pharmacists and dentists are educated.

Not only are more schools needed, Gerberding said, but these professionals need to start their education all together, to foster cooperation and a sense of common mission.

"I believe that what we really need in this country are schools of health," Gerberding told reporters at the annual meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

"If we are seriously thinking about building a health system, then we need to be training professionals in a collegial and collaborative manner."

Earlier in the week, PricewaterhouseCoopers' Health Research Institute reported that the United States will be short 1 million nurses and 24,000 doctors by 2020. It said that while applications to nursing program had risen, the number of students denied admission had grown six fold since 2002, mostly because of a shortage of instructors.

The veterinary association has forecast a shortfall of food supply veterinarians of 4 percent to 5 percent a year. Gerberding said vets are key to tracking outbreaks of avian influenza and noted that a veterinarian first figured out that West Nile virus was killing birds -- and people -- when it entered the United States in 1999.


The issue of health care reform is at the fore of the 2008 presidential campaign. Congress, President George W. Bush, and coalitions of businesses and labor unions have all made proposals for change, although none are detailed.

The system is a conglomeration of public and private insurance, with the education of medical professionals left to state universities and private academic centers.

An estimated 43 million Americans lack any health care insurance at all, and the United States is the only industrialized nation without an organized national health care system.

"We are at a tipping point with our health care delivery system," Gerberding said. "We cannot afford to continue going in the direction that our system is going. We have to assure that all people have access.

"People in the United States spend $532 billion (a year) on health. That $532 billion is not spent very wisely."

Gerberding said the system is focused on treating disease and on end-of-life care, with little attention paid to preventing disease and helping people lead healthier lives.

Americans also have trouble getting good information about health, with the Internet and cable television being conduits for an increasing onslaught of misinformation, she said.

"We have to get our voice heard above the cacophony of the junk science that is being heard."

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