* Wrap your gifts on an elevated surface, so your pets cannot access (or ingest) string, ribbons, paper or bows, this can cause intestinal blockages.
* Encourage your holiday guests to refrain from feeding your household companions human food; this can result in diarrhea, vomiting, and illness. Keep chocolate away from all dogs and cats as it can be poisonous to pets and may have dangerous effects if enough is ingested.
* The holidays can be a exciting but stressful time for your household pets. The may drink more water then normal, Be alert and check their water bowls often.
* Post your vet's phone number in a prominent location, like your refrigerator. Should a problem arise, this will provide easy access to very important information for anyone visiting your home.
* Dogs and cats that tend to walk on sidewalks and streets should have their paws cleaned upon re-entering the home. Ice, rock salt, and other chemicals can collect in their pads and cause irritation and infections if left to accumulate between their paws.
* Curled up by the fireplace is favorite pastime for some pets.When using the fireplace in a home with pets, always use a fireplace screen to prevent long furry tails from getting too close to the flames.
Animals love to explore with their mouths and make play toys out of everything,so play it safe and keep those lovely gifts and treats out of reach this holiday season. Don't forget to set aside some special quiet time to share with your precious pal. Holidays can be hectic, and they need your attention too!
* From time to time some information listed may be provided by other organizations, individuals, and health care professionals. Always consult your veterinarian professional first before administering any first aid to your pets and for all questions concerning your pets. The articles listed are intended for general information purposes only and are not meant as guidelines. Consult your veterinarian for additional information.
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