First, thank you guys so much for your responses to Tuesday’s Ask the Internet question. They helped a lot, and I feel much more confident hitting up Crate & Barrel with a scanner gun. I think the Oxo company will be very, very pleased by the time we’re finished.
Second, Haiti’s been on a lot of people’s minds this week. If you’d like to pitch in, Epi-Log has a good rundown of donation sites for food relief, and Partners in Health is looking for any help they can get.
Third, my fellow compatriots of Team Conan, it’s time for the links.
1) Food Politics: Genetic Causes of Obesity – 1%
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition just found that only 1% of us can blame obesity on genetics, thus obliterating my last excuse for not exercising. Of course, environment (where family plays a huge role) is still a significant factor, but it seems that most of us can no longer say we’re fat because our grandmas were, too.
2) Mark Bittman: A Sound Piece by Russ Parsons
Guest blogger Parsons proposes some ground rules for discussing large-scale farming in the new decade. Actually, these sound, forward-thinking ideas would help navigate just about any disagreement. Just replace “food” with “boss,” and you’re good to go.
3) NPR: Going with Whole Grains
Excellent introduction to the wonderful world of amaranth, quinoa, and farro. Includes cooking methods, recipes, and a nice narrative from writer Nicole Spiridakis.
4) The Simple Dollar
Trimming the Average Budget – Food at Home
Trimming the Average Budget – Eating Out
Trent recently did a breakdown of the average household budget. Now, he’s going over each budgetary area, post by post, and offering hints on how to trim expenditures. A neat series overall, with quite good entries on food.
5) Queen of Shake-Shake: Proof that God Exists – He Loves a Housewife Martyr
Heather bought AN ENTIRE SET of Le Creuset cookware off Craigslist for … are you ready for this? … I don’t know if you are … brace yourselves, because here it is anyway … $200. I’m still gasping three days later. (Thanks to Meredith for the link.)
6) Lifehacker: Make Your Own Snack Packs to Lose Weight
If you did everything Lifehacker suggested, you’d be ruling the planet by now. Here, they highlight a smart Parent Hacks post that could help you drop some pounds and save some dough.
7) The Atlantic: Cultivating Failure
Look, writer Caitlin Flanagan, your largely insane article does contain one or two valid criticisms of Alice Waters and the school garden movement, but insulting your readership right off the bat ("ACORN-loving"?) doesn’t do wonders for your argument. May I suggest not starting your next book, about the emotional lives of teenage girls, with “We all know an emotionally volatile and somewhat promiscuous 14-year-old space cadet”? Ed Levine has a full breakdown/takedown.
8) Food Network Humor: How to Make an Episode of Barefoot Contessa
The only thing that would have made this better is a stand mixer appearance. If you’re an Ina fan, definitely check it out.
9) Science Daily: Restaurant and Packaged Foods Can Have More Calories Than Nutrition Labeling Indicates
The title is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case, here’s a follow-up from the article itself: “Measured energy values of 29 quick-serve and sit-down restaurant foods averaged 18% more calories than the stated values. Likewise, measured energy values of 10 frozen meals purchased from supermarkets averaged 8% more calories than stated on the label.” Crap!
10) Boing Boing: “Cruel Kindness” – a 1967 UK Educational Film About Childhood Obesity
I’m a sucker for educational films (“Meat and You”), but the most interesting parts about this video are the kids themselves, who were apparently considered overweight in 1967. Maybe it’s a testament to our shifting culture, or maybe the film itself is a little skewed, but they look like pretty average compared to children in 2010. Is it just me?
Casual Kitchen: How to Feel Less Hungry on Fewer Calories – Hacking the Satiety Factor of Foods
What’s filling? What’s not? Break it down with Dan.
Dad Cooks Dinner: Rules for Losing Weight
Nine more basic tenets for healthy eating.
The Kitchn: 20 Recipes for Roasted Vegetable Roundups
I seriously need to stop reading The Kitchn, because I inevitably end up linking to half the dang blog. Anyway, it’s another great recipe roundup, this time on roasted winter veggies.
The Kitchn: Alton Brown on Eating at Home and Eating Light
Breakdown of and links to Alton Brown’s Good Eats weight loss ep.
New York Times: Michael Pollan Offers 64 Ways to Eat Food
The high priest of healthy eating is back with a new book. The Gray Lady gives us an interview/preview.
Re-Nest: Green Eating – Leon Seasonal Food Chart
In-season chart that as pretty as it is useful. So, very.
Serious Eats: Is Heirloom Wheat the Next Big Baking Trend?
Neat piece shows that how you cook something is often just as important as what you put into it (if not moreso.)
Serious Eats: What Kitchen Items Would You List on a Bridal Wedding Registry?
Adam Kuban and I are in similar situations this week! See how Serious Eaters responded.
Wise Bread: Sex Up Your Sandwich – Ideas for Budget-Conscious Brown Baggers
Please read the article, so you don’t accidentally sex up your sandwich in the wrong way. It could have some weird consequences.
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