US should study WIFI health impact
Cell Phone Towers and Your Health
GQ is just out with a lengthy article about cell phones and your health. The good news is that the writer, Christopher Ketcham, is really looking at the history and the science as well as anecdotal data, and he should be applauded.
This follows on the Oprah show aired in my market yesterday where she talked about her campaign to stop people from texting and talking while driving.
I'm often disappointed in Oprah because she does some things in sort of a half-assed way. In this instance nothing in her campaign addresses the increased risk of breast cancer associated with cell phone use as well as the damage it can do to your thyroid gland, your heart, adrenal glands, kidneys, and your bones.
So Oprah, expand your horizon!
As our long time followers know, we have been writing on the risks of cell phones for about 15 years now. The research that shows the risks does back to the 1940s. Ketcham picks up in the 60s and to show how responsible his article is, he includes the work of Dr, Henry Lai from the University of WA. And he asks, "So why isn't anyone in America doing anything about it?"
My 30-something niece just died of a brain tumour last October. My daughter who has a PR firm in Seattle is working with an organization that focuses on brain tumour research. I don't know how my niece developed this tumour but I can only raise the concern about cell phones, microwave ovens and cooking, the use of wifi, digital tv, microwave towers where the cellular antennae are perched and any other factor that I am convinced have a serious impact on health. I believe this to such a degree that I began teaching programs on this topic for health providers about a decade ago.
Its a touchy issue, politically, as the cell phone companies have paid out a bundle to MOC's (members of Congress) to control this issue their way. Its reported to be in excess of $8 billion.
"That the cell-phone industry, which last year posted revenues in the hundreds of billions of dollars, has an incentive to shut down research showing the dangers of cell-phone use is not a radical notion."I have over 100 posts involving EMF here at Natural Health News, and much more on my web site. All I ask is that you start waking up to the risk you do to your self - and your health - daily with your cell phone and other EMF generating devices.
In this quote from Ketcham's article, and EPA physicist said, "The Department of Defense didn't like our research because the exposure limits that we might recommend would curtail their activities.", I can't help think of the role HAARP is playing in today's world, and how its very high powered EMF is making havoc.Washington state had rules affecting employees and EMF exposure in 1978. The history of suppression of information you had the right to know has systematically been suppressed. It is past time to get the truth. Ignore the half truth and faulty studies from the cellular industry, ignore convenience and move in favor of fact.
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