I grew up with hot pepper vinegar only because I have family that hails from the Deep South. Afterall, what would greens and black eyed peas be without this spicy liquid?
This is more likely than not why I have an affinity for Gongurra, a similarly hot condiment from India.
Once, while on a project in Olympia, WA for the health department, I was visiting a friend who worked for the DSHS Indian Desk. He had this enticing bottle of hot (so he said) chiles on his desk. I asked for a few. He looked at me and said he did not think I would like them. Well, I twisted his arm enough to get a handful and ate them with relish. All the whilg his amazement as I chewed, not shedding a tear or wincing a smidge. Truth is, at least for me, they weren't that hot.
I'm still eating these little gems, and my two dogs enjoy them as well.
Here is something very old they would like you to believe is new. How about them apples?
And in case you'd like earlier history, see this... or this
Some Like It Hot! Structure Of Receptor For Hot Chili Pepper And Pain Revealed
ScienceDaily (2008-05-22) -- You can now not only feel the spicy kick of a jalapeno pepper, you can also see it in full 3-D, thanks to researchers at Baylor College of Medicine. Using sophisticated equipment, the researchers generated the first three dimensional view of the protein that allows you to sense the heat of a hot pepper. ... > read full article
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