In an earlier article I commented on drug interactions causing incontinence. I've grouped these next three articles together as further proof that there really is a fox in the hen house.
Not only do doctors fail to monitor the effect of the drugs they prescribe, they ignore the horrible side effects of those drugs, especially the dugs containing fluorine/fluoride and others from the halogen group in the periodic table. Other halogens block Iodine from being utilized by the thyroid gland.
Now in many studies, schizophrenia has been helped naturally, once brain allergies are defined and re-balanced with appropriate health care and/or with vitamins B3 and C.
Halide, a component of Haldol, given to many elderly and people with schizophrenia, causes a devastating side effect called Tardive Dyskinesia. Some studies have shown that valerian root is helpful to offset the TD or even prevent it. Even some of the newer anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals, often used in combination because singly they do not seem to control behavior enough, can lead to the development of TD.
Are you asking the same question I am, or "is the rat escaping the mad scientist's lab yet?"
What about outcomes, and why aren't the shrinks reporting?
Maybe they don't have a billing code is the DSM that lets them get a check for it.
So much on how the insurance company plays the controller in health care, more on this sometime in the future.
The halogens are a chemical series. They are the elements in Group 7 (old-style: VII or VIIA) of the Periodic Table: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. The word comes from Greek roots meaning "salt" and "creator".
These elements are diatomic molecules in their natural form. They require one more electron to fill their outer electron shells, and so have a tendency to form a singly-charged negative ion. This negative ion is referred to as a halide ion; salts containing these ions are known as halides.
Many synthetic organic compounds, and a few natural ones, contain halogen atoms; these are known as halogenated compounds. Thyroid hormones contain iodide atoms. Chloride ions play a key role in brain function by mediating the action of the inhibitory transmitter GABA.
Every person accepting a prescription drug has the right to know the effects, risks and benefit (if any) of the drug. The prescriber is mandated by law to be diligent in this expected action.
APA: Drug Pairing Doesn’t Control Aggression in Schizophrenia
WASHINGTON -- The aggression and violence associated with schizophrenia was essentially unabated by a combination of drugs commonly used to help control the behavior, according to a small randomized trial reported here. full story
APA: Drug Interactions a Common Risk for Schizophrenic Patients
WASHINGTON -- One-fifth of patients with schizophrenia receive prescriptions for drugs that can cause dangerous interactions when taken in combination, a researcher said here. full story
APA: Psychiatrists Shrink from Outcome Measures in Depression
WASHINGTON -- Only a small fraction of psychiatrists use validated outcome measures to assess how well depressed patients are doing, a researcher said here. full story
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