Food Blog of the Week
Carol on Keller
Maryland resident/novice chef Carol is attempting every meal in the legendarily complicated French Laundry cookbook, which is a bit like learning math by starting with calculus. Fr’ instance? The most recent post documents her attempt to braise and stuff a pig’s head. Yoinks.
Food Comedy of the Week
“Cake or Death” by Eddie Izzard
Someone set Eddie’s famous/FAHbulous Dress to Kill show entirely to Legos! It's hilarious, and almost better than being covered in bees.
Food Organization of the Week
A microlending organization connecting individuals directly to the folks they’re donating to, Kiva is one of (if not THE) first website of its kind. What happens is this: you choose an entrepreneur anywhere in the world and loan them a pre-designated amount of cash. Over time, they grow their business, lift themselves out of poverty, and pay you back. Then, you can invest in someone else registered with the site. Awesome. Part of my government stimulus is definitely going toward this.
Food Quote of the Week
‘I do wish we could chat longer, but … I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye.” – Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), Silence of the Lambs
Food Tip of the Week
Whether you’re a home cook or part-time dieter, if you have to weigh ingredients often, there’s no need to buy a fancy, expensive electronic food scale. Instead, look for a plain old analog one. They work just as well, clean-up is easy, and brand new items sell for about 20% of what a digital doohickey would cost.
Untried Cheap Healthy Recipe of the Week
30 Ways to Be a Good Guest at Smitten Kitchen
In a stunning culinary coup, Deb compiles more than two dozen of her favorite party-appropriate dishes. It’s all good, but especially don’t miss out on Black Bean Confetti Salad, Hoisin Barbecue Sauce, and Tequila Lime Chicken. Good lord.
Food Video of the Week
“Grits” by RZA
Wu-Tang mastermind RZA digs deep and comes up with the most heartfelt paean to cornmeal ever put on wax. Grits sustained his family in dark times, and now he’s giving them their due.
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