Vitamin B complex and its componet nutrients - from B1 through B12 - really do a body good.
In the next post you'll see my comment on the loss of nutrients beginning when whole grains began to suffer through processing. This cost much of the fiber to be lost, but most, if not all B vitamins.
B 6 is one vitamin helpful for glucose metabolism. B 1 helps insulin cross the cell wall membrane. B 12 is extremely helpful in pregnancy, to women with hypertension and both men and women with dementia. B12 also is very helpful for people with anemias and cancer.
B 4 (folate), B 6 and B12 all help the heart.
B5 and/or B2 can help with headache and migraine.
The Bs do so much more. And remember that its the B complex additive factor that helps prevent any side efects when using single Bs, especially high dose.
Based on quite a lot of the research from the days when no one blinked an eye or made you take (the wrong) blood test when you asked for a B 12 shot, I use 2400 mcg daily, or 2800 mcg daily in pregnancy and chronic disease.
Trends Of Vitamin B6 Status In US Population Sample Identified
ScienceDaily (2008-05-23) -- In an epidemiological study, researchers identified trends of vitamin B6 status in a sample of the United States population based on measures of plasma pyridoxal 5'- phosphate levels in the bloodstream. Some study participants demonstrated inadequate vitamin B6 status, despite consuming the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin B6. ... > read full article
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