I am so thrilled! When I started this blog a little over 6 months ago, I had no clue what was in store for me! Today I have 300 GFC followers, and followers who read from FB, and internet searches, I am really blown away! I am so happy to have stumbled upon this amazing community. I have "met" so many truly amazing people. I also have won many awards. I have really fallen behind in accepting them. I feel it is so important to accept these awards as if it wasn't for all of you who read and comment on my blog it wouldn't be the blog it is today!
I have to break some award rules....sorry. I am going to award two bloggers for each award I received.
A Blog With Substance Award

1. Sum up Your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience in 5 words:
Love. Adore. Treasure. Family. Friends. Earth. Ok that is 6 But I couldn't cut a word out.
2. Give this award to 10 other amazing blogs. I am choosing
Laura at hey what's for dinner mom? , and Mandy at Peace and Craziness
Laura at hey what's for dinner mom? , and Mandy at Peace and Craziness

stop by Amy's blog. She's raising money for March of Dimes by creating a cookbook with recipes from food bloggers. All proceeds benefit the March of Dimes.
The Sweet Blog Award
1. Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers. 2. Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
3. Put the award on your blog.
4. Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment.
I am choosing Ally at Sweet & Savory, and Michelle at All home Cooking. All Year Long.
Sunshine Award
Rules:1. Post the logo on blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.
I am choosing Rhonda at MotivationMamaDrama, and Julie at The going to be new me....
Sweet Blog Award!
Another Sweet Blog Award from Holly at Living in a (Mostly) Happy SAHM World . You must check out all her very yummy recipes! She is also a really good meal planner too. I need to take some tips from her!Rules:
1. Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
2. Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
3. Put the award on your blog.
4. Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment.
I am going to choose Scattered Mom at Notes From the Cookie Jar, and Kitty at Trying to Fit in a Big World -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunshine Award
Trish at Dream house for Trish gave me the Sunshine Award! Same rules as above.I love Trish's style when it comes to decorating your house! She has many fun ideas that she share with her readers!
Also she has a new and exciting blog called A Dream Body for Trish
The Versatile Blogger Award
Cameron at Ingenue Mom gave me the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you so much! Check out her post Top 10 Pregnancy Tips...31DBBBRules:
1. Share 7 things about yourself.
2. Pass the award to 5 bloggers.
I'm passing The Versatile Blogger award to:
Holly at Living in a (Mostly) Happy SAHM World, and Amy at A Foodie Fairytale

The Sunshine Award
My last award of the day is from Michelle at All home Cooking. All Year Long. Thankyou so much Michelle! Can you guess what her blog is about? She has so many tasty recipes, please go give her a visit if you don't already follow her! “The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.” What a pretty quote!
Rules:1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees.
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.
I am going to choose Trish's new blog A Dream Body for Trish , and Priscilla at Blue Eyed American Girl
Wow that was hard! Note to self - Never get behind on awards again! Also for those who do want to know more about me...(Cause I didn't write 7 thing about me)I would like to invite you to see my second blog. It more of a mommy blog. I love mommy blogs and wanted to join in the fun. I call it my little side dish of Happiness! Sunshine and Lollipops! (no we don't eat lollipops, I just really like the song). Thanks for reading this very long post and I wish you all a very happy weekend!
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