Between Chinese menu misspellings, Sandra Lee’s lasagna, and the campaign to bring LeBron James to the Knicks, the links are a bit NYC-centric today. But, why not? It’s a helluva town.
P.S. Don’t do it, LeBron! You saw what happened to Patrick Ewing! (Poor, broken Pat Ewing. He has permanent unsmiley face now.)1) New York Times: Hummus Catches On in America (As Long as its Flavored)
Hummus has taken America by storm the last few years, but it’s not necessarily the traditional chickpea/tahini/garlic/lemon concoction found everywhere in the Middle East. This neat article discusses its U.S. evolution from simple garbanzo dip to the Baskin Robbins of bean spreads.
2) Shades of Gray: Breaking the Cycle - Raising a Daughter With a Healthy Self Image
Julie has one little girl, and is pregnant with another. In this longer, thoughtful post, she talks about raising them to respect their bodies. My favorite line: “So, my goal is to find some magical way of reinforcing a healthy life style without making it about size.” Yes.
(Thanks to Casual Kitchen for the link.)
3) Jezebel: Why Wedding Weight Loss Isn’t About Health
Somewhat related to link #2, here’s an uncomfortable confession: I made it a priority to drop a few pounds (13, to be exact) before I started shopping for a bridal gown. Because, as much as the whole fat-shaming wedding industry irritates the hell out of me, I … I was out of shape, and didn’t want the pictures to reflect that for my great-great-great grandchildren. It’s a personal decision, and certainly not one I’d force on anyone else. But I can’t help but wonder if I’ve been had – by the media and my own neurosis. Gak.
4) Surviving and Thriving: You Just Gonna Toss That Bottle Cap?
Do you like free movies and soft drinks? No, I’m not asking you on a date – I’m telling you to read Donna Freedman’s piece about the magic and wonder of bottle cap redemption. (Though, if you’re not busy tonight…)
5) Serious Eats: You Might Be a Foodie if…
Favorite answers:
“…your bathroom reader is a cookbook.”
“…when you have eight tabs open on your web browser and they're all food-related.”
“…the thought of pre-chopped, jarred garlic makes you shudder.”
“…you would accept a slab of bacon over flowers any day.”
“…your 8-month old son loves Coq au Vin.”
6) New York Times: Putting Sandra Lee’s Lasagna to the Test
Andrew Cuomo is running for governor of New York. His longtime ladyfriend is a certain Ms. Sandra Lee. Recently, a TV news reporter asked Matilda Cuomo, the former first lady of New York and Andrew's mom, if she was cool with Aunt Sandy’s version of lasagna (see: cottage cheese, tomato soup, evil). MC was very kind in pointing out that SL’s recipe is totally insane. The New York Times made it anyway, just to taste. Results lie herein.7) Village Voice: 17 Inadvertently Meaningful Chinese Menu Misspellings - An Annotated List
This is practically an art form in NYC. It warms my heart to see so many in one place. Crispy colorectal, anyone? (Photo from the Voice.)
8) Chow: Do You Tip on Takeout?
I do. Usually a few bucks. More for inclement weather. Readers?
9) The Atlantic: The Constitutional Right to Misleading Food Ads
We know that food packaging makes lots of bizarro health claims. But do we know why? Here’s a hint: legislative loopholes. (Er … okay, so that was more than a hint.) Marion Nestle reports.
10) stonesoup: How to Master the Gentle Art of Braising (Even for Vegetarians)
You see lots of braising posts, but few on braising vegetables. And the accompanying mushroom recipe just looks divine.
Apartment Therapy: Before & After - Painting Kitchen Backsplash Tile
I didn’t even know this was possible. Opens some decorating doors, don’t it?
Cheap Vegetable Gardener: The Most Profitable Plants in Your Vegetable Garden
Good: leafy greens and herbs.
Okay: cucumbers and tomatillos.
Bad: cabbage.
Poor cabbage. It ain’t get no love, never.
Eater: Mario Batali Jumps on the Lebron Lovin’ Bandwagon
Man, I should have played basketball. Or rather: Man, I shouldn’t have totally sucked at basketball.
The Kitchn
10 Quick and Easy Stir-Fry Dinners
10 Ways to Clear Out Condiment Clutter
Link #1: Stir fry - all you need is oil and a dream.
Link #2: Living with two men (Husband-Elect and our roommate), this couldn’t have been better timed.
Serious Eats: The Crisper Whisperer - 10 Small Ways to Eat Joyfully this Summer
Love this simple, happy-go-lucky description, straight from the author herself: “a gentle reminder to love the food you're with, and ten small ways to do it.” Ahhh … summer.
Shelter Pop: 5 Kitchen Trends to Avoid
Remodeling? Here’s what not to do.
Slashfood: Pork’s “White Meat” Slogan Goes Dark
After two-plus decades, “The Other White Meat” is being ousted. Suggested replacements:
Pork: It’s where bacon comes from. Kind of.
Pork: All the manliness of beef, minus the endemic heart attacks.
Pork: It rhymes with “spork,” but it’s different.
Failbook: Calculus Jokes Are a Slippery Slope
There's nothing better in life than a good math pun. Or eight, consecutively. Just no parallel.
My Parents Were Awesome
This Tumblr feed's been around for a year or two now, but its ability to make you giggle and tear up hasn't changed at all. Just wonderful.
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