Lead researcher Thomas Shea of the Center for Cellular Neurobiology at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell carried out a number of laboratory studies on three groups of mice especially bred to demonstrate a decline in motor neuron function.
The researchers found mice fed a dietsupplemented with ground pecans had a significant delay in decline in motor function compared to mice receiving no pecans. Mice eating the diet with the most pecans -- 0.05 percent -- fared best.
Results were based on how the mice on the control diet vs. those on the pecan-enriched diet performed in specific tests.
The study, published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, suggests pecans contain a high amount of a natural antioxidants that help fight against cell damage.
"These findings suggest regular consumption of pecans may provide significant nutritive and antioxidant benefits for your body," Shea said in statement.
Health Nut
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pecans Foster Healthy Nerves
LOWELL, Mass., June 11 (UPI) -- Eating pecans daily may delay age-related muscle nerve degeneration, U.S. researchers suggest.
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