While so many are off in the corner trying to see how they can profit from this troubling situation for many women, the obvious is being clearly overlooked.
The new study just being reported focuses on the use of some specific amino acids that effect thyroid function.
Skipping proper thyroid function testing so rampant in today's medical modeling its no wonder this old and well known fact still isn't getting just the exposure it needs.
Lineal thinking still haunts the hallowed halls of mainstream medicine.
It may be at least 15 years since I wrote my first blog post about the nutritional issues and hormonal needs in women who have just delivered a baby.
The pill doesn't help but nutrition surely will.
And then there is The Mood Cure, Julia Ross' well documented work that utilizes such amino acids as tryptophan and tyrosine along with a nutritionally sound food plant to help you rebalance your moods.
Now a researcher comes along an wants ot make a " new" product when the ingredients are already available. And this product will probably cost three times what it should be.
Why not explain to women who are pregnant how important sound nutrition is and along with a well functioning thyroid gland.
If you refer to the previous post you'll be able to learn about how the pill depletes important nutrition. Having many children also depletes nutrition and has the tendency to cause thyroid imbalance.
I guess Brooke Shields missed this when she was arguing with Tom Cruise over nutrition and just how important it is in pregnancy and afterward to help your mood remain intact.
You can get all of these supplements now at a quality health food store, or you may order them from our organization.
This certainly beats SSRIs
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