Friday, April 16, 2010

Fluoride Poisoning Risk and Volcanic Eruptions

23 May 2011 - More Volcanic Eruptions -

from April 2010
Thank you to PFPC for sending the original information that started this post.

Farmers try to save herds from toxic ash, fluoride
UPDATE: 18 April - Air Games? Volcanic Ash? Air War Games Taking Place Over Europe
Look What Happened When Eyjafjallajökull Erupted In 1821
Experts differ on health risk of volcanic ash

You are not hearing in the mainstream media the health risk concerns of the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland.  Here is information you should know -
As usual, the UN and North American news do not mention the dangers of fluoride in volcanic ash, as it relates to yesterday's eruption.

The Russian paper Pravda was the only one I could find.


Compare to UN news:

Other items on F- in the volcanic ash:

Chemical composition of ash and scoria from the eruption in
Eyjafjallajökull - April 15, 2010

"Even if these values are only about one third of comparable values for Hekla ash it is there,and  is reason to be careful and move grazing animals form ash-contaminated fields and melt-water."

Source information and more on fluoride poisoning provided by Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children
Health tips from Alaska for volcanoes


and from PubMed -
Arch Environ Health. 1994 Sep-Oct;49(5):395-401.
Evaluating a fluorosis hazard after a volcanic eruption.

Rubin CH, Noji EK, Seligman PJ, Holtz JL, Grande J, Vittani F.

Epidemic Intelligence Service, Epidemiology Program Office, Atlanta, Georgia.

The August, 1991 eruption of Mt. Hudson (Chile) deposited ash across southern Argentina and contributed to the deaths of thousands of grazing sheep. Early ash analysis revealed high levels of fluoride, a potential ash constituent toxic to humans and animals. In order to evaluate fluorosis as the cause of sheep deaths and to examine the possibility that similar ash and airborne toxins could also have an effect on the human population, we conducted an investigation that included health provider interviews, hospital record review, physical examination of sheep, determination of sheep urine fluoride levels, and complete constituent analysis of ash samples collected at proscribed distances from the volcano. Ash deposited farthest from the volcano had highest fluoride levels; all fluoride measurements were normal after rainfall. There were no signs or symptoms of fluorosis observed in sheep or humans. Sheep deaths resulted from physical, rather than chemical properties of the ash. PMID: 7944572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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