Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vitamin U Well Known to Herbalists for Decades

I would call this progress but I'd be much happier if Dr. Gary Peltz would have given credit to the long time use of Vitamin U by herbalists and traditional naturopaths for a good hundred years if not more.

I'd also be happier if I knew Peltz wasn't going to try to create a patented DRUG from Vitamin U at his company, SandHill. As my mentor in Oriental Medicine told me many times, they medical people just do not understand how the herbs work.

I was reading about this in the 1950s and it was in my ND education in the 60s-70s. I also taught about it to my students when I had a Natural Healing school.

Ever wonder why sauerkraut and other fermented cabbage products have been used for healing over so many years?

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Common herbal medicine may prevent acetaminophen-related liver damage, says researcher

ScienceDaily (2009-11-18) -- A well-known Eastern medicine supplement may help avoid the most common cause of liver transplantation, according to a new study. The finding came as a surprise to the scientists, who used a number of advanced genetic and genomic techniques in mice to identify a molecular pathway that counters acetaminophen toxicity, which leads to liver failure.

Comment: You know, I've never actually heard of this vitamin... You know, I've never actually heard of this vitamin u before. It's pretty interesting considering I do know a little bit about fermented foods but I didn't know it was all this helpful. This was definitely an interesting article, thanks for the info! (John) 11/20/09


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