As to be expected, November ’09 was a tad Thanksgiving heavy, but it was also notable for some pretty solid recipes, a gaggle of informative posts, and uncharacteristically restrained Yankee bashing. So … without further ado, here’s a third baseman on steroids.
Er, I mean November’s highlights.
Basic Tomato Soup
Butternut Squash Gnocchi
Grandma’s Apple Pie
Maple-Ginger Applesauce
Roasted Winter Squash and Kale
Slow Cooker Pork Chops, Apples, and Sweet Potatoes
Sourdough Sausage Stuffing
Vegetable Lo Mein
We asked the internet: what about Eating Healthy at Conferences? And for that matter, Wedding Beer?
Whether you're a Kosher vegan or diabetic Muslim, you might have found Dietary Restrictions 101, Part I: Allergies, Diabetes, and Beyond and Dietary Restrictions 101, Part II: Locavorism, Macrobiotics, and More fairly useful.
CHG hosted the Festival of Frugality #204: iPod Playlist Edition two weeks ago.
We gave Aunt Sandy a tentative thumbs up in Sandra’s Money Saving Meals: A Review.
Veggie Might: Vegetarian Thanksgiving Tips, Part I—The Main Dish and Veggie Might: Thanksgiving Tips, Part II – The Sides taught us how to enjoy meatless Turkey Days, while Cheap, Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: 38 Dishes for a Stellar Turkey Day offered up some side dishes.
We got a tad schmoopy with What We Have in Common: An Unremittingly Warm and Fuzzy Post of Thanksgiving Squishiness.
Remember Ratzilla? Sadly, we do. He haunts our nightmares, and can haunt yours, too. But only if you click on Why Brooklynites Don’t Grow Their Own Food.
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5) Never spell the word “definitely” with an “a”!
I’m just saying.
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