This week, it’s the dangers of fruit juice, a raw food experiment for the ages, and lots of stuff about this obscure eating day scheduled sometime next week. I think there are pilgrims involved? And maybe a cranberry or something? I’ve never heard of it before, so …
1) New York Times: 101 Head Starts on the Day
Mark Bittman compiles over a hundred make-ahead recipes for Thanksgiving, once again trumping every other Turkey Day post in the blogsosphere. Polenta and cranberries? YES, PLEASE.2) Casual Kitchen: The Raw Foods Trial Archive
Dan went on a raw diet for a full week and blogged every meal of it. A lot of smoothies and avocados were involved. No one got hurt (except maybe a pineapple.) This is his story.
3) LA Times: It's time fruit juice loses its wholesome image, some experts say
Oh man, finally. This doesn’t get nearly enough press: fruit juice is on par with soda (or pop, for you Buffalonians) in terms of bad-for-youness. Witness: “‘It's pretty much the same as sugar water,’ said Dr. Charles Billington, an appetite researcher at the University of Minnesota. In the modern diet, ‘there's no need for any juice at all.’"
4) Chow: Thanksgiving for Beginners
College kids! Young singles! New marrieds! Elementary school gym teachers! Follow these step-by-step Thanksgiving directions, and your first holiday hosting gig can’t go wrong. People might even come back next year. (On second thought …)
5) The Oatmeal: 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee
Great info graphics will ensure you never forget these wow-your-friends facts about coffee. This site is highly neat. (Found via Dark Roasted Blend, a site you should completely check out, as well.)
6) Huffington Post: The ‘Fat Map’ – Putting World Hunger Into Perspective
A reality check, just in time for Thanksgiving. Note how Africa and much of Southeast Asia are almost non-existent.
7) The Epi-Log: Feeding the Hungry at Thanksgiving
HuffPo presented the problem; Epi-Log has the solutions. If you’re looking to help the less fortunate this season, here’s how.
8) The Kitchn: What Should I Bring (Long-Distance) to a New Mom?
Wonderful comment thread about cooking for family that’s far away. Let it be known: cooking and cleaning are the greatest gifts you can give any new parents, period. (Or old parents, according to my Ma.)9) Soup Fly
New Yorkers: it’s Health Department evaluations for just about every restaurant in the five boroughs. Enter IF YOU DARE. (Seriously. This gets very uncomfortable very quickly. It’s like the Curb Your Enthusiasm of food.)
10) Eat Me Daily: Martha Stewart Criticizes Rachael Ray, Rachael Ray Agrees
You gotta give RR props: she handled Martha’s somewhat unsubtly worded comments beautifully.
The Kitchn: Karen’s White and Green Urban Cottage Kitchen
I want this kitchen. In my house. To cook in. Right now.
Mile Hi Mama: Bean Organization
Great storage idea for those 90%-used bags of beans and rice that dot your kitchen like so many … uh … dots.
Money Saving Mom: Thanksgiving on a Budget
Crystal teamed up with four other bloggers to present this all-week series. Click and save some dough. Neatorama: 7-Up for Baby!
It’s that lemon-lime taste for your favorite tiny face! Oy.
Slashfood: Libby’s Fears Canned Pumpkin Shortage This Thanksgiving
If you haven’t already heard, an awful pumpkin harvest has caused a dearth of the gourd all over the U.S. To quote Darth Vader, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
Videogum: 100 Greatest Quotes from The Wire
Holy moly. Thank you, Videogum. Rated very very very R for language. (Omar forevs!)
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