Today launches the Megalinks in brand new Friday top ten form. While you're scrolling, don't forget to check out the honorable mentions section, a short list of other noteworthy stories and posts. It's a linkapalooza, minus the obligatory Jane's Addiction reunion.1) Improv Everywhere: Grocery Store Musical
Years ago, I took improv comedy classes at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York. In addition to it being the most fun thing ever, it’s where I met the Husband-Elect. (Amy Poehler will kind of be responsible for the birth of our kids, in the most roundabout way ever.) Improv Everywhere was created by UCB veteran Charlie Todd, and what they do is just wonderful. Grocery Store Musical is just their latest stroke of genius. If you have time, browse the site (especially the U2 stunt), and I promise you won’t be disappointed.
2) The Atlantic: Preparing for Gastric Bypass
If you know someone going in for bariatric surgery, forward him/her this excellent piece about communicating with medical teams. The first part (regarding complications of a particular case) is a little scary, but the rest really emphasizes the support systems needed to make the procedure a successful one. It’s as much mental as physical.
3) Culinate: How to Buy – and Share – Your Groceries in Bulk
Nice first-person account of families pooling their cash to buy organic food in bulk. Kathleen’s saving mad cash, reducing her garbage, and feeding her kids better all in one fell swoop. Nice work!
4) Huffington Post: Anthony Bourdain – Coolness Factor Wearing Thin
It’s a long, detailed, occasionally condescending argument for eating less meat disguised as an anti-Bourdain missive. And while I essentially agree with Kozloff, it seems like he might want to advocate moderation rather than rail against carnivores. P.S. If I was Bourdain reading this, I’d be most offended at the very first word: “celebrity.”
5) New York Times: A Few Cookies a Day to Keep the Pounds Away?
What John Nemet’s Cookie Diet says: Eat cookies! Get thin!
What John Nemet’s Cookie Diet forgets to say: Pay $56 a week to eat cookies! Get thin temporarily! Become viciously unhealthy! Gain every pound back the second you quit eating the cookies!
6) The Simple Dollar: Ethical Frugality Week - Free Samples
Are you obligated to buy something if you scarf a few free samples at CostCo? I say no, but that’s only because I’m usually in there to buy something anyway. The food is kind of a nice perk. If you’re doing it constantly, it’s another story. Readers?
7) Lifehacker: 10 Simple Freezer Tricks to Save You Time and Money
Want to tame freezer burn? Optimize your cooling coils? Save the information on a fakakta hard drive? Lifehacker tells all!8) Food Politics: FDA to Clean Up Front-of-Package Mess
Oh, thank goodness. Froot Loops should not now or ever be considered a health food.
9) The Kitchn: What Foods Are Always in Your Fridge?
At Casa el CHG: milk, eggs, cheese, jam, capers, hummus, various condiments. What about you guys?
10) The Simple Dollar: Monday Mailbag
A reader wrote in to Trent regarding a Crate and Barrel advertisement, claiming the store was too expensive to be displayed on a personal finance blog. Rather than get into the ethics of blogs advertising (which I’m kind of new at), I’m gonna defend C&B for a minute. Because seriously, they have some great deals if you know where to look. A lot of their everyday glassware and smaller utensils are under $2 each, and the sales tend to be really solid. Plus, it’s always nice to give somebody a set of glasses in a C&B box, while secretly knowing you only paid $12.
Casual Kitchen: The Priming Reflex - How to Control Your Appetite (And Turn Your Back on a Million Years of Evolution)
Eat Me Daily: Food Art – ‘Eat the Art’ Group Exhibit at BHCC in Boston
Eat Me Daily: The Future of Print - The Rival Predictions of Ruth Reichl and Regina Schrambling
Epic Self: How to Master Portion Control for Life
The Kitchn: Best Quiet Snacks for Eating in Class
Money Saving Mom: Stretching Your Dollars Online With Coupons and Cashback
New York Times: Show Off Your Vegetables With Pasta
Seattle Times: Guide to the rice selection at your local market
Serious Eats: All About Curry
SFGate: Pumpkins – Going Beyond Pie
Readers, any other sweet links I missed? Feel free to add them in the comments section, and have a great weekend!
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