Friday, October 16, 2009

Stroke-like symptoms after the flu shot

Not only have stroke like symptoms been reported following the current flu shot, so has dystonia. Now the CDC et al is scurrying around to make sure the blame is placed on the victim, once again, but law suits are mounting.

Doctors Back Woman's Claim Of Adverse Reaction To Seasonal Flu Vaccine

Vaccine seems to harm the most those with mitochondrial dysfunction. Remember that aspartame itself is an adjuvant which is why its used in some vaccines, and alters mitochondrial function.

More here -
Nurses will sue New York over mandated vaccinations

Judge blocks vaccine mandate

HI Legislators Question H1N1 Vaccines

Swine Flu Controversy

from Russell Blaylock MD: "Previous studies of flu viruses found that the danger to the unborn is not from the virus, but from the cytokine immune reaction to the virus--that is the mother's immune reaction to the virus. What this means is that pregnant women who take this vaccine (especially since it is to be a two to three part vaccine) will have the same immune effects and may dramatically increase the mother's risk of having a child with autism or schizophrenia. This is accepted in the medial literature and have been done repeatedly in animals exposed to vaccine during pregnancy. We could see a real disaster with this vaccine program. Mothers should be warned. Remember, there is no evidence that the vaccine will protect anyone from the virus."


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