Oprah again had a real opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the children, their parents and the families interviewed on her program today, but she looked the other way.
Not far from Chicago is an excellent researcher who heads an organization that over the years has helped many children, adults and families with many forms of mental illness, including schizophrenia.
At no time during the Oprah show today did this organization get even the slightest mention, nor did Oprah offer any options to these families or her listeners that have clinically established over 50 years ago that schizophrenia is a brain allergy syndrome.
Of course mainstream medicine treats this as a DSM billable situation, even though for many decades psychiatrists have admitted they do not know what schizophrenia.
Now there is also the consideration that there are no new drugs for schizophrenia that are actually approved for use in children, and many of these drugs that are used carry serous black box warnings.
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world when we could turn on the Oprah show and see her discussing the known ways that resolve schizophrenia?
If we are to get real health reform, then this may be one of the best places to start.
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