During March our organization sponsors a class for women called "What Your Doctor Won't Tell You".
This has always been very popular and we educate more women every year on this facts of the breast cancer scam and other very specific issues for women's health.
The major reason we have sponsored this program is to help women learn how to be better advocates for their health and not fall prey to substandard health care.
We also do not wish for you to be subjected to forced mammogram, which has been proposed under universal health care. You have rights, you need to be informed, and you need choices.
One of the "Healthy Handouts" we publish is a fact sheet on mammography. It is very important to understand why mammogram is a factor in the increased rates of breast cancer, as is a cell phone, WIFI, and Yoplait.
You can get a copy of this Healthy Handout by making a donation to our parent organization, Creating Health Institute, at PayPal.
In the interim we hope you will consider more about thermography.
We hope too that you will visit our colleague at Thermomed, especially good if you are located in the SoCal area.
Women need to take back the night on their own health and not fall prey to the purveyors of radiation, chemo, and other cancer promoting modalities.
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