Food Blog of the Week
Sustainable Pantry
Super neat site run by cooking aficionados Alexa and Matt, who’ve written their own mission statement: “ chronicles the everyday cooking of a newly married couple living in Queens who together strive to prepare all of their meals themselves. The food is whole, fresh and seasonal, cooked simply, and supported by a well stocked pantry (click here to see the items in our pantry). will show you how to cook simple, budget-friendly and delicious food with whatever ingredients you have on hand.” Sweet.
Food Comedy of the Week
Rachael Ray Promo from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
This aired a bunch this last week, leading up to Fallon’s late night debut (which wasn’t terrible, thanks be to Justin Timberlake). Rachael is set aflame!
Food Quotes of the Week
This week, it’s a few from my favorite movie in 3rd grade, Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs:
Dark Helmet: What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? CHICKEN?
Colonel Sandurz: They must have hyperjets on that thing.
Dark Helmet: And what do we have on this thing? A cuisinart?
Lone Starr: Who hasn't heard of Yogurt!
Princess Vespa: Yogurt the Wise!
Dot Matrix: Yogurt the All-Powerful!
Barf: Yogurt the Magnificent!
Yogurt: Please, please, don't make a fuss. I'm just plain Yogurt.
(Incidentally, my friend L and I had a conversation about Brooks recently. L doesn’t think his movies have aged well. I agreed to an extent. All the Gene Wilder stuff is still hilarious to me, but the other films … not so much. However, I could see an eight-year-old seeing Spaceballs for the first time and laughing his/her little face off. Opinions?)
Food Movie Clip of the Week
“Bella Notte” from Lady and the Tramp
In which two dogs fall in love over spaghetti and musically-inclined Italian stereotypes. (Another reader suggestion from the cookbook giveaway!)
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