Have you ever puzzled over how many tablespoons are in a third of a cup? Have you ever been stuck in a grocery store, wondering if tomatoes were in season? Have you ever wanted to find some way – ANY way – of telling a chef that yes, you REALLY ARE allergic to dairy products, and yes, that means you can’t have butter? (Butter being a dairy product and all.)If only … IF ONLY there were small, portable documents that included this kind of data; files you could stick in your wallet, slap on your refrigerator, or even staple to your forehead if need be.
Well, look no further sweet readers, as today’s post is all about instant information in conveniently-sized packages. From sustainable sushi to weekly menu plans to pesticide-free veggies, what follows are 32 downloadable charts, guides, and checklists guaranteed to prevent you from agonizing over food ever again. (No, we’re not exaggerating. Why do you ask?) They’re all completely free, and with one or two exceptions, they’re all wallet-sized cards or single-page documents. Some may require Adobe Acrobat, but many don’t.
Two quick points before getting to the alphabetically-sorted list:
- Each entry deals primarily with some aspect of food (cooking, shopping, health, diet, etc.). For downloadable budgets and finance sheets, please head over to Get Rich Slowly.
- Better Homes and Gardens apparently has quite a database of downloadable charts, but you have to join the site to gain access. Log on if you're among the willing.
Celiac’s Disease Cards (wallet-sized card)
From Celiac Travel
Dairy Allergy Card (wallet sized card)
From About.com
Note: it's a list of foods to avoid that contain milk
Personal Diabetes Care Card (wallet-sized card)
From the NYC Department of Health
Translatable Allergy Cards (wallet-sized card)
From Allergy Translation
Note: these are largely for restaurant use, but could come in very handy in other situations.
Wallet-Sized Medical History (wallet-sized card)
From MedIDs.com
Food Safety Guides (multiple charts)
From the USDA
Note: there are several charts here – basically, everything you ever wanted to know about handling food, but was afraid to ask. (A primer on Turducken safety, anyone?)
Food Storage Guide (two-page chart)
From the University of Nebraska
Note: scroll down to "Refrigeration and Food Safety" and click on PDF.
Kitchen Equivalent Measurements (single-page chart)
From TipNut.com
Recipe Ingredient Substitution Chart (two-page chart)
From TipNut.com
Daily Average Nutritional Intake (wallet-sized card)
From Nestle
Note: "Daily Intakes are based on an average diet and can help you understand what’s in your food and how it fits within your balanced diet."
Food and Fitness Journal (single-page chart)
From Web MD
Note: scroll to bottom for chart
Wallet-Sized Portion Size Guide (wallet-sized card)
From Web MD
Tip Calculator (wallet-sized card)
From iTipping.com
Note: link is at the bottom
Healthy Fish Guide (wallet-sized card)
From the Washington State Department of Health
A Guide To Buying Fish for Women, Children and Families (wallet-sized card)
From the City of Toronto
Pocket Sushi Selector (wallet-sized card)
From the Environmental Defense Fund
Sustainable Fish Guide (pocket brochure)
From the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Chart of Beef Cuts (numerous single-page charts)
The Virtual Weber Bullet
Chart of Pork Cuts (numerous single-page charts)
The Virtual Weber Bullet
Note: scroll down for pork. And goat and lamb too, if you're interested.
Glossary of Meat Production Methods (wallet-sized card)
From Sustainable Table
Note: this is FANTASTIC. Please check it out even if you don’t plan on downloading.
Organic Essentials (wallet-sized card)
The Organic Center
Note: Midway down on the left-hand bar is a link called “Organic Essentials.” Click on it, wait for the pdf to load, and choose “back copy.”
Seasonal Fruit Chart (1-1/2-page chart)
From the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
Seasonal Vegetable Chart (1-1/2-page chart)
From the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides (wallet-sized card)
From the Environmental Working Group
$45 Emergency Menu for 4 to 6 (two-page chart)
From Hillbilly Housewife
Note: includes a detailed menu, price breakdown, and shopping list.
Grocery Price Book (single-page spreadsheet)
From No Credit Needed
Healthy Shopping Guide and List (single-page checklist)
From Web MD
Note: scroll to bottom for chart
Kitchen Gadget Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest
Pantry Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest
Stocking a Bar Checklist (single-page checklist)
From The Nest
The Ultimate Grocery List (single-page checklist)
From GroceryLists.org
Weekly Menu Plan (single-page chart)
From WebMomz
That’s all I can find for now. Readers, did I miss anything? Please leave your suggestions in the comment section.
(Photo courtesy of Medill Reports.)
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