Food Blog of the Week
Start Cooking
I haven’t looked at this site in a little over a year. It was good then, but it’s gotten way better. (It might have been subscription-only then. I forget.) Highly suggested for kitchen beginners in general, there’s an entire series of bright, expertly-produced how-to-cook videos mixed in with a super-helpful blog and massive recipe index. Sublime.
Food Comedy of the Week
Eddie Murphy on ice cream
Classic bit from Eddie Murphy’s 1983 concert film Delirious. He was 22-YEARS-OLD when he did this. I couldn’t find matching socks at that age. (Rated R for language.)
Food Organization of the Week
Bread & Life
A Catholic food charity based out of Brooklyn since 1982, B&L’s mission is “to bring food to the poor and accompany them on their journey to wholeness by providing necessary services.” They have a pantry, soup kitchen, mobile soup kitchen and are involved with nutrition counseling and community supported agriculture, as well. Donations and volunteers are always needed.
Food Quote of the Week
“An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough.” – Stephen Colbert.
Food Video of the Week
“Fake Plastic Trees” by Radiohead
Off 1995’s epic The Bends album, FPT as absolutely nothing to do with food. BUT. (There’s always a but.) The video IS set entirely in the Supermarket of the Future. Watch, wonder, and remember: “I used to do surgery/for girls in the ‘80s/but gravity always wins.”
Totally Unrelated Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Springfield Interactive Map
Oh WOW. A random group of geniuses mapped out the Simpsons’ hometown in exhaustive detail. From Duff Gardens to Chez Guevara to good ol’ 742 Evergreen Terrace, it’s all here. And it’s AMAZING. (Thanks to Best Week Ever for the link.)
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