by Jaime
Food Blog(s) of the Week
FatFree Vegan Kitchen
Vegan Bits
In Kris' absence, and my probable only chance to write the Thursday Favorites, I'm busting out a vegan trifecta here. No, I'm not a vegan, but these sites are full of delectable, healthy recipes and in the case of Vegan Bits refreshingly sane, even-keeled information. VeganYumYum has more advanced, intensive recipes and exquisite photography; FatFree Vegan Kitchen is totally accessible and often kid-friendly (but remember - healthy fats are good for you!); Vegan Bits has restaurant reports, chronicles of kitchen adventures (vegan baking!) and is a great antidote to the awful stereotype of the screaming, proselytizing vegan. I love them all.
Food Comedy of the Week
Muffin Films
These 12 little flash animation movies are delightful and totally weird. I had no idea muffins had so much going on. # 6, The Muffin Tree, is a personal favorite.
Food Organization of the Week
Heifer International
Taking the old adage about giving a man a fish to its logical end, Heifer International gives livestock (and plants) to disadvantaged families as the foundation of a sustainable and independent livelihood.
The animals provide sustenance (as milk, eggs, or sometimes meat) and an opportunity for income. Also, as animals tend to make more animals, it's a gift that grows and builds wealth. Gifts start small, with a flock of chicks or trio of rabbits, and go all the way up through bigger animals to a menagerie. Even though there isn't necessarily a one-to-one link between me "buying" the chicks and someone filling their coop, the concreteness of how it's presented feels satisfying. (I once gave a flock of chicks in honor of my sister's birthday.) The online catalog is here.
Food Quote of the Week
from The Magic Kingdom, by Mark Schultz
This speech is from one of my favorite plays. In this scene, Sam is speaking to the guy he's kidnapped and is holding hostage. (Fun times.) Sam also might have the same sort of accent as the Geico gecko. Julie's the brains behind the operation. Sam, you'll note, is not. (Apologies to Mark, and all of you, as I've edited this for obscenity.)
SAM: Julie be back soon. With cakes and stuff. Pies and things. Candy and sweets. I like pie and candy. Could eat it everyday like for breakfast lunch and dinner, I’d have like a big plate full of meringue and like that lemon stuff for a lemon meringue pie and a glass of soda and a little side dish piled high with like tootsie rolls and sweet tarts and I’d freaking. I’d eat it. I’d just freaking eat it. I’d go to town. I mean. Sue me if that isn’t like the best. The best. Possible. Dinner. Like cuisine. Food. Sue me.
Food Video of the Week
"Potato" by Cheryl Wheeler
This video opens with an introduction, so I'll just let Cheryl tell you what the heck this is all about. But the title pretty much says it all.
(without the explanation but brilliantly animated here.)
Extra Special Totally Unrelated Bonus of the Week
Winston on Yummy from fourfour
Okay, except it is related. Because it's about eating. Sue me. In case you've never met him before, here is internet celebrity Winston. Welcome to your new obsession.
(Photos courtesy of FatFree Vegan Kitchen;

FatFree Vegan Kitchen
Vegan Bits
In Kris' absence, and my probable only chance to write the Thursday Favorites, I'm busting out a vegan trifecta here. No, I'm not a vegan, but these sites are full of delectable, healthy recipes and in the case of Vegan Bits refreshingly sane, even-keeled information. VeganYumYum has more advanced, intensive recipes and exquisite photography; FatFree Vegan Kitchen is totally accessible and often kid-friendly (but remember - healthy fats are good for you!); Vegan Bits has restaurant reports, chronicles of kitchen adventures (vegan baking!) and is a great antidote to the awful stereotype of the screaming, proselytizing vegan. I love them all.
Food Comedy of the Week
Muffin Films
These 12 little flash animation movies are delightful and totally weird. I had no idea muffins had so much going on. # 6, The Muffin Tree, is a personal favorite.
Food Organization of the Week
Heifer International
Taking the old adage about giving a man a fish to its logical end, Heifer International gives livestock (and plants) to disadvantaged families as the foundation of a sustainable and independent livelihood.

Food Quote of the Week
from The Magic Kingdom, by Mark Schultz
This speech is from one of my favorite plays. In this scene, Sam is speaking to the guy he's kidnapped and is holding hostage. (Fun times.) Sam also might have the same sort of accent as the Geico gecko. Julie's the brains behind the operation. Sam, you'll note, is not. (Apologies to Mark, and all of you, as I've edited this for obscenity.)
SAM: Julie be back soon. With cakes and stuff. Pies and things. Candy and sweets. I like pie and candy. Could eat it everyday like for breakfast lunch and dinner, I’d have like a big plate full of meringue and like that lemon stuff for a lemon meringue pie and a glass of soda and a little side dish piled high with like tootsie rolls and sweet tarts and I’d freaking. I’d eat it. I’d just freaking eat it. I’d go to town. I mean. Sue me if that isn’t like the best. The best. Possible. Dinner. Like cuisine. Food. Sue me.
Food Video of the Week
"Potato" by Cheryl Wheeler
This video opens with an introduction, so I'll just let Cheryl tell you what the heck this is all about. But the title pretty much says it all.
Extra Special Totally Unrelated Bonus of the Week
Winston on Yummy from fourfour
Okay, except it is related. Because it's about eating. Sue me. In case you've never met him before, here is internet celebrity Winston. Welcome to your new obsession.
(Photos courtesy of FatFree Vegan Kitchen;
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