Thursday, August 7, 2008

Call for Focus on Prevention

If prevention had been the focus in mainstream medicine over the last 20-30 years I'd wager that we would have much less chronic disease.

Increased longevity fuels need for preventative medicine
Posted in Healthcare and Information, Longevity on Thu July 31, 2008

The need for preventative healthcare is becoming significantly greater as life expectancy continues to increase, experts warn.

According to healthcare charity, the Patients Association, life expectancy at age 65 in the UK has reached its highest level ever for both men and women.

Men aged 65 could expect to live a further 16.9 years and women a further 19.7 years if mortality rates remained the same as they were in 2004-06.

Life expectancy at birth is also at its highest level for both males and females. Boys and girls born in the UK could expect on average to live to 76.9 years and 81.3 years of age respectively.

A spokesperson for the Patients Association, said: "The question for the future is what the NHS will cover on the basis of its founding principle of 'free at the point of need'?

"The need for preventative healthcare will be even greater, and this too needs a higher priority now."

She added that a review of current rules governing social care requires further exploration into the relationship between increased longevity and quality of life.


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