Boston Magazine: Murky Waters
Prevent salmonella, fishy scallops, and a whopping case of indigestion with this brief guide to buying good seafood.
Frugal Babe: Kitchen Envy
How do you know you've been struck with this terrible affliction?
1) You daydream not of George Clooney or of fronting U2, but of Viking appliances and granite countertops.
2) You plan parties exclusively in your friends’ homes, permission or no.
3) You are human.
12-step program coming soon.
Frugal Upstate: Return of the Lunchbox Report
In a day and age where pretzels with cheese dip counts as a nutritious school-backed meal, packing lunch for kids is mos def the healthier option. (There’s a “thinking outside the lunchbox” joke in there somewhere, but I can’t find it.)
New York Times: The School Cafeteria, On a Diet
Speaking about school lunches…
A Good American Wife: Meet Walt
Anne had a baby! Please welcome Walter Lawrence to the world, ladies and gentleman.
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