Today Vanderbilt University got a big write-up in an AP article on traumatic brain injury in the soldiers fighting in Iraq and related current military conflagrations.
CHI began out Veteran's Resources effort with a contribution received from a Vietnam Vet we helped.
The major concerns behind this effort, even though the oldest vet we have helped is 85, are depleted uranium, PTSD and traumatic brain injury(TBI).
I watched how little is done for the returning vets in a news story about the VA. I can tell you that it takes much more to recover from TBI that being given a Palm Pilot.
While the Palm Pilot may help there is a faster easier way to reintegrate brain hemispheres. There is also a better way to help concomitant PTSD than anti-depressants.
If AP is interested in something not so status quo, I am open to their call. And if Sandy Schneider from Vanderbilt would like the information, that would be great.
However, if any veteran needs this help there is no charge to you.
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