Please see the one hour lecture by Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon. His web site is Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills is one of his three books and is on MSG and Aspartame.
He also has a DVD titled, Nutrition and Behavior, and a CD, The Truth About Aspartame. You can get these from With the new study sponsored by Food Standards in the UK showing additives cause behavioral problems, even temper tantrums, his DVD on Nutrition and Behavior is a must for all schools and pediatricians and OB-GYN.
The "Truth About Aspartame" has detailed information about the Ramazzini Study which shows aspartame to be a multipotential carcinogen confirming original FDA records, as well as information on how to detox from aspartame. Here is the lecture:
The Taste That Kills
We also ask that you forward the REPORT FOR SCHOOLS:
You can read Dr. Blaylock's information in this document. This is the project this year for Aspartame Awareness Weekend, (9/7 to 9/9)to forward it all over the planet, especially to schools, board of educations, pediatricians, OB-GYN and the general public.
FDA to Review Ramazzini Study:
(Includes some resources - books and aspartame documentary).
Thank you for your support and your interest in learning about the toxic impact of artificial sweeteners aspartame and sucralose.
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