All too often, we wait for a personal or global crisis before we evaluate our health and wellness preparedness. Such is the case with this latest unfortunate series of sad events transpiring in Japan. Much conjecture has surrounded the potential health risk expanding beyond Japan to those living in Hawaii and the West Coast of the United States. We encourage everyone to stay calm and well-informed during the ensuing chaos that has caused many people to panic.
According to governmental studies, iodine levels have dropped over the last few decades among the US populace, and levels of other competing halides such as bromide, perchlorate and fluoride have increased. Thus, it has been estimated that increasing iodine intake in an individually-appropriate fashion is a wellness consideration, particularly in light of the resurgence of health recommendations to decrease sodium chloride (salt) use, which has been a primary source of iodine consumption for many individuals.
So, what does this mean in light of the current concern with the radiation in Japan? Well, it means that many individuals have insufficient levels of iodine/iodide as part of their diet. Many customers already take Iodoral® (iodine/iodide) and therefore have taken an important and ongoing step in supporting thyroid and overall health.
The reality is that we don’t yet know the extent to which this disaster will truly affect the U.S., and we want to be a calming voice amid the chaos. Just taking iodine/iodide in the absence of a confirmed emergency without guidance and supervision by one’s physician is not prudent. However, having it on hand is preparedness.
Yet, this is a strong wake-up call that this is a great time to visit with your primary care provider about testing your iodine status and examining your diet and supplement regimen with your healthcare team to see how best to augment it—not just from a crisis-management perspective, but also from a long-term wellness goal. Bottom line: Regardless of what happens with the Japan crisis, iodine is an important mineral, and you should work with your healthcare provider to make certain your levels are optimal. There are also articles on the website about this important nutrient, as well as an important iodine antagonist, fluoride.
Beyond iodine, antioxidants are an important part of a supplement regimen not only during the current crisis, but also all year long to ensure the body is being nourished. Sadly, upwards of 89 percent of Americans fail to consume the recommended 5 to 7 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. That means for the vast majority of us, we aren’t getting enough antioxidants.1
The current crisis in Japan and the fear of potential impact in the US have made us more aware of improving our diets and visiting with our healthcare team about supplementing a healthier diet with antioxidants such as resveratrol, vitamin C, vitamin E and lipoic acid. An interesting find in scientific literature is that lipoic acid lowered markers of free radical damage and supported normal liver and kidney function in the region affected by the Chernobyl accident.2 This is not to suggest that this applies to this case; we share it merely because it shows how an antioxidant can help promote normal cellular health within the body.
Another powerful antioxidant supplement is glutathione, the body’s most important cellular antioxidant, which provides crucial support for the arteries, brain, heart, liver, lungs and skin. Cellular glutathione can be depleted by environmental toxins such as air pollution, heavy metals, cigarette smoke, dietary factors and as a consequence of aging.3 Individuals who want to increase their glutathione intake can consume this nutrient in the form of either Glutathione or N-Acetyl Cysteine, which supports glutathione production in the body.
In the U.S., at the time of this writing, we can remain calm and do the best we can to support our overall health, now and in the future.
Article provided by vrp.
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