UPDATE: 16 November -
111 Obamacare Waivers And Counting – Can The Rest Of Us Get Waivers From Having To Comply With Obamacare Please?
In a stunning admission of just how job-killing and business-crushing the new health care law really is, the Obama administration has issued a staggering total of 111 Obamacare waivers (and counting) so far. The list of the dozens of companies and organizations that have been approved for a waiver is very, very deeply buried on the website of the Department of Health & Human Services.
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UPDATE: 25 March - Seems as if some one else noticed this issue recently on a right wing blog. Still no one seems to be addressing the key issue of it being illegal to establish classes of recipients.
From Jan. 2010 -
There is an interesting premise involved in this story, and while it is interesting, why are there other similar groups denied this exemption?
Watertown Daily Times Amish families exempt from insurance mandate
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