4 September 2010 - The Pink Cause Marketing is getting underway once again. I just received a spam from a PR firm about a massage clinic in Seattle that would give $15 from each massage to the Komen Foundation. I wrote the fellow back and explained a few things about the Politics of Pink.
Here at Natural Health News we have well over 3 dozen articles on this topic. Here is one and here is another...
Our friends at Think Before You Pink have a great amount of information that you can use to learn more. You can also sign on to their petition.
Please educate yourself, and consider thermography and ultrasound with breast self-exam as much better, safer, and more effective than breast cancer causing mammograms. (Many posts here and at leaflady.org)
Stay tuned, we'll be adding more as the madness gears up and the season continues through October.
from Natural Health News - October 2009
This month the sale flyer from my local market includes an half-page ad from the GoodCook's "Hope" line. GoodCook is a line of kitchen items including the Pink kitchen ware set you can get free if you purchase specific items manufactured by Proctor & Gamble.
Not too far of a stretch from the Yoplait lids campaign, just recall that P & G manufactures TIDE and Actonel (the risky bisphosphonate osteoporosis drug that's of late been hawked for breast cancer).

Seems to me there is another cause for concern because part of their "free" set is a pink non-stick skillet.
The problem with this pink skillet is not that it is pink, but that it is coated with aluminum oxide*** and then a layer of PFOA(Perfluorooctanoic Acid), a known carcinogen manufactured by DuPont.
PFOA stands for Perfluorooctanoic Acid, a man-made chemical which does not occur naturally in the environment. PFOA (also known as "C8") is used by companies, such as DuPont (Teflon®, Stainmaster®, Scotchguard®), to make fluoro-polymers for use in non-stick cookware and all-weather clothing.
Recently, scientists have found great concern, however, as levels of PFOA have been commonly found in many in humans across the globe and concerns abound about how exposure to PFOA could affect people's health. Thus the reason for the creation of this website. Our goal as scientists and concerned citizens is to both better understand this important chemical and to assess the possible risks and concerns of the global exposure to this fluoride-containing, unhealthy substance.
Surely it's up to you to decide if you want to support advertising in the name of a cause that has underlying concerns about just how healthy these free items might be.
Request a copy of our Breast Health Awareness Fact Sheet About the Risks of Mammography with your donation to our work. We aren't on the Pink Lid donation list although we've tried many times.
Women Kept in the Dark
1000s of women have unnecessary surgery, chemotherapy & radiotherapy as a result of routine mammogram breast cancer screening, doctors warned in The UK's Times on 19 Feb. 09.
For each woman whose life is saved, 10 healthy ones needlessly receive mastectomies & other treatment, a study found.
Experts said the NHS should do more to warn women of the high risk of a false positive.
23 doctors, surgeons, academics & health specialists claimed on 19 Feb. that "There is evidence to show that up to half of all cancers & their precursor lesions found by screening might not lead to any harm to the woman. Yet if found at screening, they potentially label the woman as a cancer patient: She may then be subjected to the unnecessary traumas of surgery, radiotherapy & perhaps chemotherapy, as well as suffer the potential for serious social & psychological problems."
Dr. Paul Pharoah, Cancer Research UK Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Cambridge Uni, & Prof. Michael Baum, Emeritus Prof. of Surgery, University College London, were among the experts who wrote this letter to "The Times."
They said none of the invitations for screening come close to telling the truth & that women are being unintentionally manipulated into attending.
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