Hey folks! I’m fully recovered from the Food Network marathon, so let’s get to the links. This week, it’s a ton of Christmas, the fall of Big Food (maybe), and BANANARCHY!1) Planet Green: 25 Take-Out Treats You Really Can Make at Home
Would you like to bank money, eat delicious ethnic food, and save the environment at the same time? Make any one of these takeout recipes at home. It’s better for everybody, except maybe the delivery guy.
2) Gizmodo: Using Micro S’mores is Akin to Playing God
This is really real. And "gooeylicious." And for people without hands or muscles, presumably.
3) Washington Post: Sometimes a snack isn't just a snack. It's a slippery slope.
“A two-year study found that kids eat less junk food when their schools don't provide them with junk food.” Yeah, I know: “duh,” but it’s Ezra Klein’s ensuing argument that makes this piece a great read. How far should the government and our own employers go when it comes to keeping us healthy?
4) Consumerist: Study Shows High Fructose Corn Syrup May Cause Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease
Yeah, I know: “double duh.” But it’s nice to have science backing it up. SCIENCE!5) Neatorama: Rich in Dextrose
Old print ads are just about my favorite things in the world. This one, a World War II-era page for Baby Ruth, claims the candy bars are “rich in dextrose and other wholesome ingredients.” Hee! I can’t wait until 50 years from now, when we’re giggling similarly about lycopene and xylitol.
6) New York Times: To Feed the Hungry, Keep the Can, Open a Wallet
You know that three-year-old can of artichokes sitting in the darkest, dustiest corner of your pantry? Don’t donate it to a food bank. Instead, a lovely cash gift would be much appreciated.
7) Boing Boing/AP: Monsanto seed biz role revealed
Monsanto’s in trouuuuuuuble. Make it douuuuuuuuuble.
8) Casual Kitchen: Why “Big Food” Isn’t Quite as Evil as You Think it is
If this doesn’t get you in, nothing will: “It's us. We are behind the curtain … Fattening and unhealthy foods are on our store shelves because we put them there.”
9) Chicago Sun-Times: Gov't auditors say food-tracing program flawed
Hey! Have you ever wondered what the government does when there’s a outbreak of food-related illness? Me too. So this is reassuring: “A crucial part of the nation's rapid-response plan … is seriously flawed, an independent watchdog agency has found … Nearly half the food manufacturers they surveyed that are supposed to register with the Food and Drug Administration failed to give the agency accurate contact information.” They don’t even have the RIGHT PHONE NUMBERS. My god. I hope the next link is cheerier, because otherwise I’m moving to Canada.
10) Urlesque: Bananarchy Gives D.C. Extra A-‘Peel’
In which two dozen people dressed as bananas bring joy and peace to all the land. Set to “Peanut Butter Jelly Time,” of course. Forget that FDA thing. America wins!
Chow: Dinner Party for Beginners
I’m loving this simple tutorial series from Chow.
Culinate: Mixed-diet dinners - A pro offers suggestions for the cook
Supper tips for the veggie/omni family.
Double X: The Rise of the Kitchen Bitch (Ladies, it’s time to reclaim cooking)
I wholly object to Hanna Rosin calling Duff Goldman a “lovable jerk,” but otherwise, this somewhat all-over-the-place, yet still thought-provoking essay is worth a read. Especially if you like being angry before lunch.
Food Network: Sealed & Delivered - Recipes in a Jar
Need some last-minute Christmas gifts for your favorite foodie? These attractive and presumably tasty jarred recipes should fit the bill.
Salon: Cash and gumption - Food nonprofits to support
Excellent rundown of dozens of food philanthropies. Merry Christmas, everybuddy!
And finally, for your holiday pleasure/horror:
Sketchy Santas
Just look. You won’t be sorry.
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