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"Regenerating Brain Cells": Great points.Dr. Kyle Smith wrote a book entitled "Brighter Mind" and in it he showed how research revealed that we have much influence on how well our brains are doing. He also introduced Sept 1st, 2009 (yesterday as I write this), that is in a category of it’s own. This has helped me keep my 52 year old belly down to size. Natural and yet with years of scientific research, it has amazing benefits and is especially suited for the mind and alertness.It has a bit of caffeine, mostly due to the green tea extract, but it's the other ingredients that make the big difference as it turns out that the American diet under-consumes specific nutrients that are vital to the brain. Make a difference there, and it affects everything including mood.In the interest of disclosure, I became so impressed I became a rep for the product. I can guarantee you won’t find anything like it anywhere. I was able to obtain some before it was officially launched, and drink it everyday with great benefit.I almost feel sorry for the general public that will never find out about a drink too good to be found in a grocery store isle. (Tim) 9/2/09
Always like to find the remedies that nature provides. Helpful posts.
(Anonymous) 8/18/09
Though I don't have an Alzheimer but I am suffering from memory loss. Taking coffee regularly as a dose for memory loss! Will it help in my case?
(Julian) 8/3/09
Concierge medicine is driven by patient dissatisfaction over our present fast-food medical model of HMOs, PPOs and a failing Medicare system. Patients love the time they have with their concierge doctors. Doctors love having the time to do what they were trained to do. Unless primary care medicine becomes more attractive to young doctors, by implementing models such as concierge medicine, no one will opt for a career in internal medicine, family practice or pediatrics and the shortage of primary care doctors will only worsen. I have experience of a concierge level medication. They are providing me medication with care at the highest level of comfort. The amount of comfort and relaxation provided by these concierge medications makes hospital a better place to visit. Their wellness program allows me to have a direct access to my personal physician via phone and email, but also in the emergency situation which I had because of having a heart attacks, physician came home and also were present in the emergency room to expedite my care. They provided me a patient care concierge who managed all my transportation and accommodation. All this meant a lot to me when it comes to health.
(Brate) 7/13/09
I hope that this health care will not fall since this is very beneficial to everybody. Alternative health care treatments are used all across the world with a high success. Being a healthy person speaks more of you know that you have a healthy body outside and inside. There are a lot of things you must consider for you to have it. If you think you are not, then natural cures should be take into account to try the natural one.
(Brad Miller) 6/28/09
Being a healthy person speaks more of you know that you have a healthy body outside and inside. There are a lot of things you must consider for you to have it. If you think you are not, then natural cures should be take into account.
(Brad Miller) 6/25/09
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