Monday, September 28, 2009

Listen to WA DOH with Extreme Caution: FLU SHOTS

WA DOH violating FDA recommendations on vaccines and pregnancy.

I am very disturbed by the article that appeared in the Seattle Times last Friday -

" State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots"
By Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times science reporter.

I am disturbed because this is another clear presentation of the ineffectiveness of Washington's Department of Health and Mary Selecky, as well as Chris Gregoire. (My experience with both Selecky and Gregoire involved intentional coverup of insurance fraud involving minor children's care. No real investigation of my complaint was undertaken so I had to go the HHS IG to get things out in the open. My complaint, ignored by Selecky and Gregoire while they protected the perpetrators, became part of a major interstate insurance fraud litigation by DOJ. DOJ won this case unlike the too many that were lost by Gregoire's office under her watch.)

Gregoire's record over the years as AG and Gov have left the citizens of our state with a very bad taste over the numerous cases lost on violations at DSHS and related departments. This also extends to the abusive activities against those in healthcare who practice outside the box, using less harmful and more healing approaches to health. A very large amount of money has been paid out in these cases.

Selecky, for this push to allow neurotoxic and fertility harming mercury, along with what may be higher levels of the preservative, should be considered for malfeasance in office and considerd for early retirement.

For more information about some of these issues, please refer to wachoice

Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion
James SJ, Slikker W 3rd, Melnyk S, New E, Pogribna M, Jernigan S.

Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute, Little Rock, AR 72202, USA.

Thimerosol is an antiseptic containing 49.5% ethyl mercury that has been used for years as a preservative in many infant vaccines and in flu vaccines. Environmental methyl mercury has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, especially to the developing brain.

Because mercury has a high affinity for thiol (sulfhydryl (-SH)) groups, the thiol-containing antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), provides the major intracellular defense against mercury-induced neurotoxicity. Cultured neuroblastoma cells were found to have lower levels of GSH and increased sensitivity to thimerosol toxicity compared to glioblastoma cells that have higher basal levels of intracellular GSH. Thimerosal-induced cytotoxicity was associated with depletion of intracellular GSH in both cell lines.

Pretreatment with 100 microM glutathione ethyl ester or N-acetylcysteine (NAC), but not methionine, resulted in a significant increase in intracellular GSH in both cell types. Further, pretreatment of the cells with glutathione ethyl ester or NAC prevented cytotoxicity with exposure to 15 microM Thimerosal. Although Thimerosal has been recently removed from most children's vaccines, it is still present in flu vaccines given to pregnant women, the elderly, and to children in developing countries. The potential protective effect of GSH or NAC against mercury toxicity warrants further research as possible adjunct therapy to individuals still receiving Thimerosal-containing vaccinations.

PMID: 15527868 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

To further this argument I am including comments from a medical colleague of mine from new Mexico. Perhaps his thoughts will encourage you to shed that lemming top coat, advocate for your health and questions the so-called "authorities".

Another reminder is to know if your child takes the nasal flu vaccine - This is a live vaccine and it will make your child contagious for at least three weeks, while they are sloughing off viral cells in their environment, putting you at greater risk of getting the flu.

We are recommending you consider this combination of vitamin C and vitamin D.

From Ken Stoller, MD
If you will read the post by the DOH (State of Washington):

You will see that they have suspended their normal operating procedures and will now give vaccine with Thimerosal to infants and pregnant women because they have already been notified there will be a severe shortage of Thimerosal free H1N1 vaccine.

This is exactly what I anticipated would happen and it was why I filed my complaint with the BoP. You closed the case inappropriately by getting assurance that only Thimerosal free vaccine would be given to pregnant women and children under 3. If the NM DOH follows the lead of the State of Washington, you received false assurance.

I was just sent an internal draft CDC Media Strategy, made public for the first time (see attached), which concedes that CDC does not have sound science supporting vaccine safety and must therefore resort to a program of misinformation and propaganda, referring to critical parents and safety first advocacy organizations as anti-vaccine.

In addition to conceding that fear-based propaganda will have to substitute for basic science, the memo reveals how completely CDC has descended into a military them-against-us mind set. Critics of vaccine safety are labeled anti-vaccine, as hostile parents, or as adversaries of vaccination, with no acknowledgment that criticism and inquiries can be in good faith, can sincerely be interested in promoting vaccine safety as a sensible, indeed necessary, scheme to protect the benefits to public health of mass immunization.

CDC admits: Risk communication messages regarding vaccine adverse reactions are difficult to develop. Yes, exactly, because they just dont know the risks. How, then, can CDC claim as a strength of their media plan that the [b]enefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks? This is a hungry lie.

Instead of actually doing the science to accurately ascertain the risks of vaccination, and make appropriate changes to the schedule, screening, etc., CDC proposes an aggressive public/private media campaign: [C]ommunity acceptance of vaccination demands that we take a stand to not only explain the risks of complication due to natural disease, but also toward unfounded arguments or [sic] adversaries of vaccination.

CDC makes a stunning admissions: Some claims against vaccine cannot be disproved. And: CDC does not have complete adverse event surveillance data on which to base health messages.

As previously explained, the FDA does not recommend flu vaccine for pregnant women - that has not changed and the CDC has gone rogue in this area.

KP Stoller, MD, FACHM
President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc
Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


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