In honor of newfangled Twitter fiddle-faddle (CHG not on yet), today’s blurbs are all 140 characters or less. (Including this one! Meta!)
Chow: All Things Healthy
Huge healthy roundup of Chow articles, recipes, and chowhound threads. Also, it looks like the strawberry is smiling at you.Chow: Are There Really Two Scoops of Raisins in Raisin Bran?
*GASP* There’s barely even one! Post, how could you do this to us?
Consumerist: Campusfood's 75 Cent Service Fee Annoys College Students, Restaurant Owners
Delivery service assumes college kids won’t check receipts, systematically bilks them out of $0.75 “service charge.” They get F-minus!
Consumerist: Do Consumers Really Care About High Fructose Corn Syrup?
Of course. Problem is, most can’t taste the difference between HFCS and sugar, and aren’t clear on the health aspects. Color us confused.
Detroit News: Canned tomatoes are best out of season
During not-summer months, tomatoes are not ripe. Taste bad. Food Network says use canned instead, as they are bastions of awesomeness.
The Epi-Log: Top Five Reasons to Have a Potluck Lunch
Looking for way to socialize with cute co-workers/bogart free food? Have office-wide potluck lunch. Bask in deliciousness, gab like nuts.
Food Blog Code of Ethics
In which grizzled food blog veterans devise standards for all their peers, everywhere. Great idea, but will it catch on? I hope.
It’s Frugal Being Green: 30 Quick, Green, and Frugal Meal Planning Resources
Whee! Stellar rundown of useful posts, including a few from CHG. Thanks, IFBG! You are neat.
Get Rich Slowly: The New Age of Thrift
Turns out, frugal is the new black. It makes you look thinner and conducts heat well. (What? I don’t know. But neat post from JD.)Jezebel: Green Eggs & Ham - What Meat Is Best For the Environment?
Poultry wins, with pork coming in pretty high. Beef, lamb, and goat are bad. Fish is up for grabs. They can feel pain, apparently. Who knew?
Jezebel: New Book On Overeating: Should We Treat Mac & Cheese Like Cigarettes?
Or: should we treat less-than-healthy foods like something we can become easily addicted to? Is mac-n-cheese the new heroin? Maybe.
The Kitchn: Good Question - Best Meals to Cook On Camping Trips?
Huge comment thread for you outdoorsy types. Highly touted: grilled meats, veggies, granola, anything that fits into backpack, not bugs.
The Kitchn: Wine Retailing - Do Supermarkets Offer the Best Choice?
One of the few bad parts about living in NY is no wine sold in supermarkets. Not even Boone’s. Arguments for and against in this post.
LA Times: Fast food strategy - free, or practically free
Super-low and no-cost foods lure customers into fast food joints, so they’ll buy other items. Sales are increasing for some.
LA Times: Hospitals adding fresh, organic food to the menu
The ER just got tastier: soggy green beans and mystery meat are done for in some places, replaced by organic veggies and grass-fed beef.
LA Times: Recipe for a new life -- with a dash of hope
Wherever there is a story about juvenile delinquents rehabilitating themselves by learning to cook, CHG will be there.
Lazy Man and Money: Save Money with Fast Food Value Menus
Restaurant-by-restaurant breakdown of dollar/value menus, with special attention paid to healthier options. Nice work! Want burger.New York Magazine: Last Noodle Standing - Four starchy-food aficionados determine the best dried pasta in town
Which boxed/bagged spaghetti beats the rest? Quartet of experts agrees: Trader Joe’s. Score one more for that place. (Mmm … Trader Joe’s.)
New York Times: It May Be Cheap, but it’s Also Tasty
One more article on bargain cuts of meat. Because there can never be enough, especially if the pics are this tasty-looking. Go here, too.
New York Times: Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat
Newsflash! Red meat very bad for health. Cut back or suffer terrible consequences. Somewhat conflicting with aforementioned articles.
Oregon Live: Green salad - video and recipe
Salad bores me more than Tiger-less golf tournaments. Here, OL tells how to liven it up. Incidentally, their food pieces are usually great.
Serious Eats: What Does Barack Obama's First 100 Days Mean for Serious Eaters?
Things looking up, but seriously, it’s way too soon to tell. Early olicy rundown & nice pic of happy Barry. Good comment thread, to boot.
Slate: The Decline and Fall of High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Solid, detailed article on downfall of “unhealthy, unnatural, and unappetizing” HFCS. If nothing else, MUST read last paragraph. Fuh real.
Sugar Stacks
How many sugar cubes found in your favorite foods? Better question: where does anyone find sugar cubes nowadays?
Wise Bread: Thirty Ways I'm Using Less and Why
Post of the week right here. Myscha compiles all the little things she/you can do around the house to lessen plastic & food waste.
(Photos courtesy of Flickr member DSCF2138, Bridge Bloggin’, and Clever Karen.)
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