Food Blog of the Week
Pinch My Salt
Easy recipes for occasionally healthy food with beautiful pictures published DAILY? Yes please. Pinch ME.
Food Comedy of the Week
“Target: Women – Feed Your Family”
Sarah Haskins strikes again! This time, she takes aim at insta-prep family meals, for when takeout just doesn’t say “I love you” enough.
Food Quote of the Week
“Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.” – Oscar Wilde
Food Quote of the Week #2
“This marks a new dawn for the curvy cucumber and the knobbly carrot.” - Mariann Fischer Boel, European commissioner for agriculture, on the relaxing of Europe’s ban on selling oddly-shaped produce
Food Video of the Week
“Food, Glorious Food” from Oliver!
It’s kind of like “Hard Knock Life” from Annie, only with British boys, less sass, and more grinding poverty. Still, entertaining!
Totally Unrelated, Extra Special Bonus of the Week
Kid Phillies Fan
I saw this on both Best Week Ever and my friend S’s blog. It is AWESOME. Oh, to have that kind of power.
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