Baltimore Sun: Budget Cuts
Do you like beef, but the economy’s preventing you from buying your weekly filet mignon? The Baltimore Sun is here to help, with a few ideas about cooking cow for less. (Thanks to Slashfood for the link.)
Biblical Womanhood: Fresh Juice the Frugal Way
Somehow, Crystal manages to serve inexpensive, freshly-squeezed juice to her two kids a few times a week. A great resource for folks with young children who're having a tough time getting veggies into their diets.Chief Family Officer: Weight Watchers Week Six - Some Weight Watchers Tips
Great list of WW strategies from a woman in the trenches. I might add: DRINK YOUR WATER. It’s key to the whole shebang.
Chow: Slow Food Nation’s Victory Garden
As part of this past weekend’s Slow Food conference in San Francisco, the city sponsored a community garden in which citizens could volunteer to grow food for the local homeless population. Neatest idea in history? I would say, “Yes. Except for Dark Chocolate M&Ms and the American Revolution. Those were pretty good, too.”
Culinate: How to Find Real Food
Marissa Lippert explains the difference between CSAs, urban farming, sustainable agriculture, organic food, and locally-grown crops. Good, fast breakdown if you’d like to familiarize yourself with some buzzwords.
The Epi-Log: 10 Ways to Chop Onions Without Crying
#11: Have an unsuspecting boyfriend chop them for you.
The Epi-Log: What Do You Pay for Bread, Milk, Meat and Beer?
Blogger Michael Y. Park is conducting an experiment: “Here's the idea: Everyone goes and writes down how much they paid for the same four basic food necessities (I'm counting beer as a necessity), comes back here and reports on it in the comments section, writing down where they bought it. With that data, we'll make up a quick (and completely unscientific) sketch of Epicurious readers' food-pricing situations as of August 2008.” Go and have your say!
Festival of Frugality #141: Almost Frugal
Cutest. Banner. Ever. And CHG made an editor’s pick! Woo-hoo!
Get Fit Slowly: Are Increased Portion Sizes Changing How Much We Eat?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer backed by supporting research: still yes, but with flair!Get Fit Slowly: The Skinny on Fat-Free Half and Half
In which Macdaddy dissects the creamer’s ingredient list. Wired Magazine has a great running feature on this, and it’s always startling to discover what crazy chemicals compose some everyday staples. Seriously, some of this stuff could strip a car.
Get Rich Slowly: The August Garden Update
JD and wife Kris (love the name) have almost broken even on their gardening project. Just try not to envy those tomatoes, yo.
Globe and Mail: Panic in the Lunch Box
If your child’s packed lunch is being at all affected by the economy/allergies/food warnings, this is where you want to be. (Thanks to Slashfood for the link.)
The Green Guide: Plastics Q&A
a.k.a. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Microwaving Plastic But Were Afraid to Ask (Thanks to The Epi-Log for the link.)
Hometown Annapolis: What does dining's future hold?
Like Conan O’Brien’s “In the Year 2000” bit, only with food, and not quite as hilarious. (Thanks to Eater for the link.)
The Kitchn: How often do you shop for groceries?
I’m a once-a-week woman myself, though I’m trying to stretch it to once-every-two-weeks. You think it’d be easy with just the two of us. Nuh-unh.Life Hackery: 11 Reasons Why Coffee Grounds Are Worth Keeping
Creative hacks for what you thought was just fragrant garbage. (Thanks to Consumerist for the link.)
New York Times: Russia’s Collective Farms - Hot Capitalist Property
There’s a Yakov Smirnoff joke in here somewhere, but I can’t find it yet. While I’m searching, check out this super-interesting article about Russia’s return to agriculture.
New York Times: The Anti-Restaurants
This may be the coolest thing in the world. Essentially, Supper Club members are asked to chip in $80 for a day of fun ended by a world-class gourmet meal. WANT.
Serious Eats: Food We Loved as Kids, Maybe Not as Adults
Great question! Frozen pizza and canned icing top my list. Readers?
The Simple Dollar: What’s an Appropriate Home Food Budget for a Family of Four?
Trent spends about $770 per month, which is the going U.S. average. Some readers thought this was too high, so he asked for a round-up of food expenditures from commenters. Fascinating cross-section of responses.
Slashfood: 100 Must-Eat American Foods
57 down, 43 to go. I’m coming for ya, Burgoo.
USA Today: Starbucks whips up a better-for-you breakfast comeback
Starbucks is expanding their line of breakfast foods to include a bunch of healthier choices. What will come of it? I dunno, but “Baked Berry Stella” has my vote. (Thanks to Eater for the link.)
(Photos courtesy of Culligan, Bunrab, and I Hate Cellulite.)
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