Ask Metafilter: How can I update my menu without breaking the bank?
FireStyle is really, really good at staying within a tightly-defined monthly food budget, but he (or she) is bored to tears with the dinner lineups. Here, he (or she) asks for menu help and gets it in spades. Tons of good suggestions from AskMeta readers.
Ask Metafilter: What’s Your Secret Tip for Saving Money at the Grocery Store?
Call me crazy, but this thread seemed especially relevant today. It’s a compendium of all the tricks floating around the web, plus a few you might not have heard of. (Thanks to Get Rich Slowly for the link.)Baltimore Sun: 'Ace of Cakes' fans have a thing for bakery artist Geof Manthorne
Duff’s 2nd banana has become Charm City’s First Stud. What I love best about this article, besides that it’s about my favorite Gen X bakery, is this quote from Geof, which so totally sums his personality on the show, I can’t even explain: “I'm flattered that people are, I dunno, interested.” (Thanks to Slashfood for the link.)
Chow: Cooking with Fall Ingredients
Quince and pomegranates and Cardoon, oh m…wait a second. What the hell is a cardoon?
Culinate: The Vegetable Challenge
Neat series about … well, this: “Kim Carlson, Culinate’s editorial director, is monitoring her diet over the next four weeks to be sure she’s eating five servings of vegetables each day, every day.” Turns out, it’s pretty tough, but there are a ton of wonderful links to be viewed. Grocery Shopping on a Budget
Ladies and gentlemen, it was inevitable: Oprah has entered the food blogging building. I think it might be awhile before everything’s up to speed, but the site seems like its gotten off to a good start. Recipes, shopping strategies, prep tips: it’s all here, and if I know Miss W., it’ll only get more gigantic, eventually consuming every other food blog in its path.
Epi-Log: A Traitor to Trader Joe's
Brooklynites – take heed! The Cobble Hill Trader Joe’s is open! Proceed as you will.
Value for Your Life: Festival of Frugality #145
This week’s festival includes Coupon of the 31st Century at The Q Family Adventure, Save Money by Cooking Even When You’re Not at Home by MoneyNing, and Leigh’s excellent Tofu post from CHG last week. Sweet.
FitBuff: Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog Carnival #69
Hee. 69.Get Fit Slowly: A 12-Year-Old Burger
That sound you hear? Is my non-stop shuddering. You need to click on this, especially if there’s a McDonald’s dollar meal in your future.
Lifehacker: Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized
Everyday, right around 3pm, my office computer lulls me into a coma-like state that can only be broken by A) actual work, B) copious amounts of coffee, or C) a whack in the head. Hopefully, this excellent post will alleviate those mental lapses.
The Kitchn: Cooking Beyond the Recipe - Change the Size of the Dice!
Man, I never thought of this, and it’s such a great idea: by simply altering the way you chop, you can transform a dish into something else entirely. Stellar way to save money and throw your dinner for a loop.
The Kitchn: Could You Eat on $25 a Week?
Yes. For others, no. Read, find out why, and add your own input.
Nursing Degree Guide: 100 Awesome Web Tools and Resources for Nutritionists
While this monster list of nutrition and cooking resources is geared toward a certain profession, it’s useful for anyone concerned about food. Seriously, check it out.Personal Finance Advice: 28 Gift Ideas That Save Money for The Recipient
I’ve seen these kinds of lists before, but this is by far the most thorough and well thought-out. My sister will be receiving at least 27 of Jennifer’s suggestions. (Okay, 26.)
Serious Eats: Ed Levine's Serious Diet Week 35: Eating Meat Sparingly Is Alright
In which SE head honcho Levine finds that pork, beef, and other animal products are healthier – and occasionally, incredibly satisfying – in small doses.
Serious Eats: Alice Waters on Honest Family Food Values: Is It Up to All of Us?
Slow food champion Waters advocates making meals a family affair again, after decades – no, GENERATIONS – of togetherness sacrificed for convenience. Key pull quote: “Children are hungry for food, but they are also hungry for care. This food comes with care. That’s the magic of it.”
Toronto Star: Waste not, want not
CSA guilt! Turns out, some folks can’t quite make it through all their fruits and veggies, and they don’t feel good about it. This is one woman’s story. Neat-looking recipe for Spinach and Chickpea Stew included within. (Thanks to Slashfood for the link.)
(Photos courtesy of My Recipes, Tivo Faces, Get Fit Slowly, and Journalist on the Runway.)
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