What they think up really might effect your health, especially when they think they have a cool idea to block anti-biotic resistance.
I just told a colleague that brutally truthful (and factual articles) is necessary today because you aren't reading it in MSM (mainstream media). He is kind enough to ask my opinion of what he writes he publishes.
I guess I am blessed because I know one person values my knowledge and opinion.
I have been on the issue of flesh-eating bacteria and MRSA prevention and treatment from a perspective of a different color for almost two decades. Yet, I have know of the problem of resistant bacteria for more than forty years. And I don't see anyone really picking up on my opinion of the mess created in this are by Big Pharma. Except recently.
I am happy to say that I received a reply from a top administrator at UK's equivalent to the FDA. Just in the past two weeks this occurred and it was a total surprise.
I referred them on to a manufacturer of a product proven in hospital to reduce greatly those notorious infection causing bacteria. I hope there is progress.
Now back to the matter at hand, antibiotic resistance.
You really have to be kidding when you see an article like this one from the BBC today - "Scientists believe they may have found a way to stop the growing problem of bacteria becoming resistant to current drug treatments."
This one stopped me in my tracts. I told my colleague (see above) I thought this group of scientists , expanding work to available time, had to be on SSRIs.
For young readers, expanding work to available time is bureaucrat-ese for Murphy's Law. For those in contract work it might be bill padding.
Anyway, some scientists think bisphosphonates will do a great job of blocking antibiotic resistance because the drugs in this class are known to curtail E. coli.
E. coli can be deadly in some cases and is a very troublesome microbiologic agent that can make you extremely sick. Yes, this is the very place I started when I approached the WA State Department of Health lab director in 1993 with a proposal for alternate treatment to stop the worsening epidemic.
No bites here, but then you have to know about the Washington bureaucracy intimately like I do.
Undaunted I have not given up, and those 'chemists on happy pills' have to discovery of the moment.
And that's it, a flash in the pan.
So you say, what's bisphosphonate.
Bisphosphonate is pretty much left overs from making Tide and P&G have a great amount of $$$ bound up in Actonel, their osteoporosis drug. Yes P&G is in the drug business for profit and in a lot of other things too - FOR PROFIT.
Profit is good, but not at the expense of maiming and killing.
The downside of bisphosphonate is that is causes something called osteonecrosis of the jaw. There are other problesm with the osteoporosis drugs that you can find out about by looking up the side effects and deciding for yourself.
In general osteonecrosis is 'dead bone', without a blood supply. It happens in some forms of arthritis in younger people idiopathically or from trauma and illness.
The bisphosphonates can lead to osteonecrosis of the jaw and you can read what the dentists have to say here.
Another factor is the fluoride in this class of drugs like Fosamax, known for creating "swiss cheese bones".
While fluoride is a major concern in health it is a topic of its own and you can learn more about it from another colleague of mine who is a keen researcher on 'F' here or here.
I'm hoping you do a little more reading to make an informed decision.
And in the mean time, watch it when some one tries to encourage you to take anti-biotics or you might end up resistant and go to a different kind of life.
Or treatment.
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