It always seems that MSMed (mainstream medicine) negates anything the don't or won't understand. This seems to be common when it comes to the topic of detoxification.
In natural healing, or what the MedStapo refers to as CAM(complementary-alternative), varied approaches make liberal use of detoxification protocols. Detoxifying the body has been a coincident to all ancient healing traditions, including Ayurvedic, Chinese and Native American, for thousands of years.
If detoxification was not integral to traditional care, perhaps these cultures would have failed to endure.
To maintain a healthful and productive life, detoxification is a necessity.
Statistics reflecting the lack of effectiveness of MSMed therapies directly related to increased exposure to petrochemicals, toxins, heavy metals and other chemicals in the environment. It is logical to consider that an ongoing detoxification program to minimize effects from toxic exposure will reduce the incidence of chronic and degenerative disease. Using these techniques will improve your overall quality of life.
Why Detoxify the Body ?
We live in a sea of toxic pollutants; the most toxic in history. We continually inhale and assimilate waste products and residue from petrochemicals, plastics
and pesticides. These toxic chemicals make it difficult or impossible for health promoting activity in your cells and on cell receptor sites to block nutrient, enzyme and hormonal utilization.
Consider these statistics:
* 1,600% increase in birth defects since 1980
* 250% increase in breast cancer since 1980
* 59% decrease in male sperm count since 1940
* 500% increase in cancer mortality since 1900
* 400% increase in heart disease since 1900
And consider that industrial pharmaceuticals contribute to 100,000 - 300,000 deaths each year.
At CHI/TOC we have developed a series of what we call "Healthy Handouts"©. One of them is our food cleansing protocol. You might want to start here, or consult with us for a specialized program based on your health needs and concerns.
See also: The Pollution Within (National Geographic October 2006 pgs 117-143).
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