Natural Health News has over three dozen articles on diabetes and related topics. Our main domain since 1991,, has numerous pages on this topic. CHI-Creating Health Institute on facebook has posted to our Diabetes Diary since February and this will continues through 12 July in support of the Longest Walk, Reversing Diabetes. I also publish the subscription Diabetes E-List.
I went into nursing in 1969. Prior to that I was working in public health and community mental health. Over these many years I have been a staunch advocate of natural therapy for diabetes and other health concerns, as well as a proponent of PREVENTION.
Now some 30+ years later comes a health organization that makes the same statements as I have been making for decades, as if the idea was new. It is no different than a couple of my competitors that seem to try all sorts of tricks to top the search engines, event to the point of using our name.
However, as some one who has always been ahead of the pack, it is good to know that I am not the lone beacon on the shore.
You'll note recent posts regarding the Food Pyramid and "The Plate" as well as coverage of diabetes drugs and artificial sweeteners, statins, and more here at the ORIGINAL Natural Health News.
American Diabetes Association’s Guidelines Are Killing Diabetics!
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