What a month, what a month. We cooked a whole bunch, raised $200 for a lovely Rwandan girl's kitchen, and, with readers, figured out the best deals at both Trader Joe's and CostCo. Beers all around!
APRIL RECIPESArtichoke Pesto Dip
Broccoli Almond Stir-Fry
Cilantro Pesto
Creamy, Cheezy, Smoky, Spicy Grits with Kale
Cranberry Bulgur Wheat Pilaf
Curried Pumpkin Hummus
Easy Meatballs
Sesame Snap Peas
Jaime, a recent carnivore convert, discussed Easy Meatballs and an Ethical Quandary.
We collaborated with readers on The Best Deals at Big Box Stores: A Cheat Sheet, and then followed it up with The Best Deals at Trader Joe's: A Cheat Sheet.
Leigh meditated on Eating Thoughtfully and Gratefully.
Frugal Food Shopping: Hitting Up Multiple Stores discussed a hugely useful strategy in lowering your food budget.
Best of all, y'all pitched in for Help CHG Raise $200 for Aline’s Kitchen in Rwanda. Pics coming soon!
Oh yeah! Rounding out the month, we Asked the Internet about…
- Best Deals at Big Box Stores?
- Best Deals at Trader Joe's?
- Cheap Storage for Bulk Foods?
- Favorite Asparagus Recipes?
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