Jan 2011 - US Targets EU over GMO Crop Sales
NOTE: This coming Tuesday, 7 December, Jeffrey Smith will be on the Dr. Oz Show discussing the health dangers of genetically modified foods. Also on the show is Dr. Michael Hansen, a scientist from Consumers Union who has been an avid critic of GMOs for two decades, and Dr. Pamela Ronald, a pro-GM scientist who has been proposing that organic foods include GMOs.
FORT PIERCE, Florida (Reuters) - For many Americans, few things seem more wholesome than a glass of fresh-squeezed Florida orange juice, the original "natural food." As former beauty queen Anita Bryant chirped more than four decades ago, in what remains a fondly remembered tagline: "A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine."
She wasn't talking about green oranges or genetically altered ones, but that was then.
We live in a "world of nasty bacteria now," says Calvin Arnold, a scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. An insect-borne bacterial disease that is ravaging Florida's citrus crop means the juice squeezed from the Sunshine State's fruit may soon come from trees that have had their genetic makeup modified.
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