Thursday, October 14, 2010

Working with Schools When your Child has Problems

By Gariane Gunter, M.D.

Well, we have made it through the first months of a new school year! However, for some students the start of a new year has been difficult. I have received many calls and heard numerous concerns from parents who are wondering how they can work with their child’s school to ensure a success. Below is a list of the Top Ten Tips for Working with Schools that was shared with me by a Lead School Psychologist in my area. I hope you have a great year!

Top Ten Tips for Working with Schools

  1. Let the school know up front if you have concerns

  2. It helps to be visible in the school but do not intrude on the learning

  3. Every school is a little different in its approach

  4. There are lots of different ways of working with student problems in schools. Not just one of them is right. 

  5. If you want to talk to a classroom teacher, ask to make an appointment with them. When teachers are with students, their first responsibility is to teach and supervise them.

  6. School folks got into education for the joy of working with students.

  7. School Psychologists and Special Teachers are there to study individual students. Help them by giving your specific observations. Your observations matter.

  8. Lots of teachers and other school folks use e-mail, but remember that teachers check e-mail when they have planning or breaks.

  9. If you have made a request and you haven’t received a response, don’t wait too long before asking about it. Sometimes requests do get lost.

  10. Schools can be fun places to be; it is where all children gather to learn. Enjoy your time there too!

Reference: Shirley A. Vickery, PhD


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