Lots of excellent links this week, many dealing with weird imbalances in food subsidies and how they affect health nationwide.
Which? Incidentally? I think we’re at a tipping point here. Media’s covering the subsidy issue more and more, and man-on-the-street awareness is slowly setting in. If the blogosphere is any indication, some substantial change will soon be in order, methinks.
But first … the links!
1) Zen Habits: The Simple Way to Stick to a Meal Plan
A soothing, calm approach to eating, highlighting the benefits of incremental dietary changes. Incidentally, I love this blog. It makes me want to listen to Sade and sip chai.2) Salon: Hipsters on Food Stamps
This controversial piece has been making the rounds this week. Essentially, highly educated folks in their 20s and 30s are relying on food stamps to get by, but they’re buying organic produce and artisan breads with the assistance. Commenters are torn. Half are all like, “What’s the big deal? Would you feel better if they bought Big Macs?” The other half are all like, “What’s a kid with a MA doing on food stamps? Stop buying ironic t-shirts and get a job, beatnik!”
3) Food Politics: Michelle Obama to Grocery Manufacturers - Let’s Move!
MObama recently spoke to the GMA (note: Grocery Manufacturers Association, not Good Morning America), urging them to overhaul their practices for the good of the children. I try to keep this a bipartisan blog, but man, I love this lady.
4) Consumerist: How Oranges Cost More Than Coke
Adjusting for inflation, produce is almost 50% more expensive today than it was in 1978. Soda (or pop, for you Buffalonians) is 33% cheaper. Something is seriously wrong here.
5) New York Times: The Obesity-Hunger Paradox
Some of the poorest areas in America also happen to be the heaviest, with the South Bronx at the top of the list. Causes, consequences, and some really innovative solutions herein. Absolutely worth a read. (Go! Read it! I mean it.)
6) Casual Kitchen: The Worst Lie of the Food Blogosphere
The lie: “Food companies are evil.”
The post: provocative.
The discussion: smart, fun, even a little heated.
7) Civil Eats: 8 Steps the Department of Justice Could Take to Reform Farming
U.S. farmers reported a 35% drop in income in 2009. Agriculture megacorp Monsanto is expecting “gross margins in Q2 2010 of 62%.” It ain’t right, and the USDA and Justice Department are looking into their monopoly-esque practices. These eight ideas could help level the playing field.
8) New York Times: In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt
You know those commercials for Le Cordon Bleu you see all over the Food Network? They’re actually for a for-profit college system called the Career Education Corporation. Students are charged $41,000 for a 15- or 21-month program that nets them jobs making $21,000 yearly.
9) Culinate: Culinary choreography - The importance of not being afraid to fail with cooking
Or, to quote Conan O’Brien’s commencement speech to the Harvard Class of 2000, “Fall down. Make a mess. Break something occasionally. Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be.” It applies to chicken, too.
10) Wise Bread: Cheapest Ways to Get Your Caffeine Fix
Need to stay awake, but don’t want to fork over $4.57 for a vente double mocha latte skim? This ingenious little list will keep your eyes wide open.
Amber Waves: Guess Who’s Turning 100? - Tracking a Century of American Eating
Interesting piece on U.S. food trends since 1900. Plus, a bonus Boogie Nights reference, right in the blog title!
BoingBoing: London restaurant serves WWII rationing cuisine
Kitchen Front is a Brit eatery that recreates ‘40s food precisely, and then serves it up as dinner fare. The flavor is, uh, utilitarian at best, but the reviewer gives the place points for accuracy.
Chow: When Did “Cheeseburger” Become a Flavor?
Good question. Those Pringles cans freak me out, man.
Consumerist: This 1-Year-Old Happy Meal Has Aged Surprisingly Well
French fries age better than people. Both age better than Soylent Green.
Food Politics: Disturbances on the GM Front
GM meaning “genetically modified,” not “General Motors.”
Money Saving Mom: 31 Days to a Better Grocery Budget – Shop at More than One Store
The series continues. Log on and save mad cash.
The Simple Dollar: Litterless Juice Boxes – Do They Save Money if You Have Kids?
Short answer: yes. (As long as your children don’t lose stuff.) (Kids don’t lose stuff, do they?)
CHG was fortunate to be featured in two blog carnivals this week! Sweet.
Ukraine’s Got Talent: Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation
Wow. She’s doing that with sand. I couldn't do that with actual art supplies.
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