Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Off Track on CAM Care Coverage

I am a big fan of Representative Kucinich and others who seem to be in favor of including so-called CAM care in the health insurance debate.

I am not however interested in it being limited only to "licensed" practitioners.

The issues of licensing for the sake of third party billing is another ignored issue and big cost driver.

People and members of Congress need to wake up to Big Insurance control of the medical industry. Until this changes there will be more of the same, and once again NO CHANGE.

The US has the highest health care costs and the worst outcome statistics.

Figure it our for yourself, and please ask the right questions, stop following the master manipulators and political spin.

Insurance Coverage for CAM? Some Lawmakers Say Yes
August 11, 2009

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) healthcare providers are waiting to see whether federal lawmakers will pass an amendment that allows for more insurance coverage of their therapies and services. As the larger healthcare debate in Washington wages on, senators such as Tom Harkin of Iowa and Dennis Kucinich of Ohio are campaigning for licensed integrative practitioners to be included as mainstream caregivers and afforded the same insurance coverage under the new reformed healthcare system.

“It’s time to end the discrimination against alternative healthcare practices,’’ Harkin said at a congressional hearing. Advocates argue that alternative treatments can be less expensive than conventional therapies or drugs. But critics maintain that if the alternative treatments were truly effective, they would already have been adopted by the mainstream medical community. The alternative medicine amendment, which is cosponsored by Harkin, has been adopted by a Senate committee. The committee will have control over what portions of the amendment make it into the final healthcare reform bill. NBJ Blog.


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